Sys_Grace's Articles

1. What are the commonly used colors for Riding glasses lenses?

bicycle Riding glasses have all kinds of glasses of glasses. Different colors of glasses have different effects and effects. The color of commonly used Cycling glasses is:

1. Gray

Gray lenses can absorb infrared rays and 98%of ultraviolet rays, and will not change the original color of the scenery due to the lens, because it can be absorbed balanced in a balanced with any chromatography, so watching the scene will only darker, but there will be obvious color difference, showing the display, showing that it will show that it will show that it will not be obvious.Real and natural feeling.Another advantage of gray lenses is that it can effectively reduce light intensity.

2. Tea color

Tea -colored lenses can filter a large amount of blue light, absorb 100%ultraviolet rays, and improve visual contrast and clarity, especially suitable for ride and driving, especially wearing effects in the case of severe air pollution or fog.middle -aged and elderly people and myopia riders can give priority.

3. Green

Green lenses are similar to gray lenses, which can effectively absorb infrared light and 99%of ultraviolet rays, and it can also increase the green light of the eyes. It is suitable for Cycling glasses worn as long -term riding sports to slow down eye fatigue.Essence

4, yellow

Yellow lenses can absorb 100%ultraviolet rays, and allow infrared rays and 83%visible light penetration lenses, because it can absorb most of the blue light, so it is good for eye health, and makes the scenery of nature more clear. It is very suitable for riding.Appreciate the scenery along the way.

2. What scenes are suitable for ride glasses

Different colors of Cycling glasses also have different suitable scenes. Generally speaking, dark lens can mainly reduce the damage of strong light to the eyes; while the colorful lens uses high density and colorful coating, which can reflect more light. It is often used for it.Rain or cloudy; bright lenses are suitable for cloudy days, dusk, and riding at night.

1. Black: Suitable for riding under strong light. For example, when the sun is strong at noon, it is better to bring black Riding glasses.

2. Blue: The blue lens can increase the contrast of the visual vision on the surrounding reference during cycling, suitable for wearing when riding in a foggy or visible weather.

3. Yellow: The yellow lens is a bright lens. It has the effect of increasing the surrounding light and the effect of improving the reference of the surrounding reference objects. It is suitable for cloudy, evening, and night cycling.

4. Transparent color: Transparent color is of great benefit to protecting eye health. After wearing it, it can greatly reduce the chance of affination of conjunctivitis.

5, coating lens: coating lenses are suitable for wearing in areas with strong light and high -ultraviolet rays in the snow.

It is more troublesome to choose the appropriate color Cycling glasses. If you don't want to buy multiple pairs of glasses, you can also choose a Cycling glasses that can be replaced, which is much more convenient.

Explain the top ten Telescopes worldwide in the world's top ten Telescope shooting pictures to appreciate

On October 2, 1608, Dutch officials were carefully thinking about a patent application. This is a invention submitted by the owner of the glasses shop owner Hans LipperShey.The object looks like it is around, and it can magnify the objects and scenes through it.This is the earliest concept of Telescope.A few months later, Italian physics and astronomer Galileo took a Telescope for astronomical observation.

The initial Telescope was very simple. It was composed of a very small lens and placed in an internal empty wood pipe with a long arm.However, today, 400 years later, the world's largest Telescope requires built on the towering mountains. Several tons of steel is used to support huge mirrors, so that scientists can observe the vast area of space.In June 2008, at a speech conference held by an astronomer, Dava Sobel claimed that observing space through Telescopes was one of the most outstanding achievements in human beings as a life form.

The following is the top ten largest astronomical Telescopes in the world. The photos of these are the largest optical/infrared Telescopes on the ground.

1. Gran Telescopio Canarias

Gana Large Large Telescope

At present, the world's largest ground basic Telescope is the large Telescope of Gasana. It is located on a small island in Parmaga Islands, Spain. It is said that multiple large Telescopes are placed in the Gaza Islands.The mirror diameter of the Telescope is 10.4 meters, which is composed of 36 custom mirror hexagonal components. The installation requires accurate to a range of 1 mm.It invested a total of $ 175 million, jointly built by the Spanish government, two Mexican research institutions, and the University of Florida.

Before installing the Telescope component, each component was named the name of the gods in the folk legend in the local islands, or named after the island's animals and plants.

Pictures shot by Garn Large Telescope

The last batch of 36 mirror components of the large Telescope of the Gana column was completed. However, its first appearance was in July 2007, when only 12 mirror components were installed.The first star it observes is the "Tycho 1205081" (Tycho 1205081), which is very close to the North Star. After that, this large Telescope has more captured astronomical pictures to shoot a set of interactive galaxies -UGC 10923.The results of each shooting show that the star formation area expands, and the exposure time of the shooting is 50 seconds.

2. Keck Telescope (KECK I & amp; ii)

Kake Telescope

W. M. Kay Telescope is located on the top of Monakia Mountain in Hawaii, 4200 meters above sea level, and Kike I & amp; II is two exactly the same Telescope. They are composed of 36 mirror hexagonal components. The overall mirror diameter is 10 meters.The diameter of each mirror is 1.8 meters, and the thickness is only 10 cm. By actively optical support system, the mirror surface maintains high accuracy.There are three main devices of the Telescope: near infrared camera, high -resolution CCD detectors and high -colored scattered spectrometers.

Each Telescope is 8 floors height and weighs 300 tons. At present, astronomical observation accuracy can reach milliligns.In 1993, the Kike I Telescope was put into use and used scientific observations.In order to use the Telescope for 1-5 nights, astronomers must be approved by the committee in advance and operate the Telescope with the assistance of the committee. Generally, astronomers collect data from the headquarters of the Observatory headquarters in Waimea, Hawaii.

Pictures taken by Kake Telescope

By canceling the distortion and deformation in the atmosphere, the recent adjustment of the adaptive optical system has improved the ground basic astronomical observation ability of the Kake Telescope, and the observation picture is 10 times clearer than before.For example, the Egg NEBULA (Egg Nebula) of the Egg Nebula (Egg NEBULA) is a synthetic picture.When more and more substances on the surface of the star begins to get rid of, the surface becomes more hot, making UV light electricity from becoming a gas, thereby showing beautiful colors under the Telescope observation.The planet can be formed after thousands of years.

3. Large -scale Telescope in southern Africa

A large Telescope in southern Africa, referred to as SALT, is located on a hill on southern Africa. It is the largest single -optical Telescope in the southern hemisphere.It is composed of 91 mirror hexagonal components. The overall mirror is actually effective in diameter of 10 meters.The Telescope can detect the weak light of the moon distance like a candlelight, and the Telescope was first put into use in 2005.Astronomers from South Africa, the United States, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand have used large Telescopes in southern Africa.

Pictures of large -scale Telescope in southern Africa

Is this picture showing "the universe Nirvana Phoenix"?In fact, this is the scene of the three galaxies collision mergers. Before the astronomers called this picture "Big Bird", and identified this is just the merger of the two galaxies.It is the result of the collision of the three galaxies, and there is a clear separation material area on the head of the "Big Bird".In order to establish this picture, the large Telescope in southern Africa use its spectrum camera to provide valuable observation materials to the Telescope association, and the spectrum camera can decompose the light into a structure color.This may be used to study the physical condition of the galaxy and the detailed situation of the movement path during the three galaxies.The separation speed of interstellar matter in some areas of the "Big Bird" exceeds 400 km/s.It is very rare to observe such high -speed Running interstellar substances that can be observed in the combined galaxy.

4. Hobbie Enley Telescope

Hobbie Eberi Telescope

Hobbie Enlie Telescope is located in the Favaks Mountain in Texas, USA, referred to as Het, which is very similar to large Telescopes in southern Africa.It is composed of 91 mirror hexagonal components. Each mirror diameter is 1 meter, which is continuously sorted by a small computer control motor.The overall mirror diameter can reach 11 meters, and the actual available is only 9.2 meters.The Telescope can detect cosmic light of 100 million times darker than the human body.Its design and construction adopt a unique way to enable it to absorb large light, especially spectrometers, and its cost is very low.

Pictures taken by Hobbie Enley Telescope

The Hobbie Eberi Telescope can observe the layman star and gamma rays of the Solar system. It is currently used to observe the mysterious substance of the universe that humans cannot see-dark energy.In the three-year special plan "HETDEX" (Hobbi-Eberi Telescope dark energy experiment), the Telescope can observe more than 1 million galaxies from 9 billion light years away, so that it can be drawn to the largest so far so far so farThe universe map.This universe map allows astronomers to measure the expansion speed of the universe in different periods, hoping to reveal the role of the dark energy of different cosmic era. At present, the Telescope will search for the universe area where the Dabei star is overwhelmed.

5. Large dual -Tube Telescope

Large dual -Tube Telescope

Large binocular Telescope is referred to as LBT, which is composed of two tightly adjacent 8.4 diameter Telescopes. They can work separately. When the merger work is like a single, larger Telescope.The first Telescope was set up on the top of the Graham, Arizona, USA in 2004. The second Telescope was installed since 2005. It was not until early this year that the two Telescopes were observed.

Pictures of large binocular Telescope shooting

The first picture was taken in the large binocular Telescope, showing the NGC 2770 galaxy, which is 102 million light years from the earth.This is actually a synthetic picture: the same scene is taken with ultraviolet rays and green light, respectively, showing the activity of stars in the area. At the same time, the red light area shows the older and colder stars.After the merger of such three pictures, a beautiful picture can be formed, which can show the different characteristics of the star body at the same time.

6. 6 Telescope


As shown in the figure, this is the half -mountainside of the Mountains of Monakia, Hawaii. The diameter of the Telescope is 8.2 meters. These are a optical/visual infrared Telescope.The mirror surface is thin, and the high imaging quality is obtained through active optics and adaptive optics; the second is to achieve high -precision tracking; the third is to use a cylindrical observation room to automatically control ventilation and air filter, so that the exclusion of hot turbulence can achieve the best conditionsEssenceThis Telescope uses a Serrurier truss to keep the main mirror frame and the auxiliary frame keep parallel in movement.

It can share the observation data of other Telescopes with the Kaike Observatory.It has the largest single -lens in the world today, and its use rights belong to the National Observatory of Japan, but astronomers from all over the world can use it.The name of the Telescope comes from a young star group- "Pleiades".The first scientific observation was conducted in 1999.

Picture of Telescope shooting

This is the gorgeous and clear infrared picture of the S106 star in the S106 star.The maximum quality star in the regional center is called IRS4. It has a history of 10,000 years and its quality is 20 times that of the sun.In addition, astronomers have found that the quality of many stars is lower than the twins in the area, and they are likely to be brown dwarfs.

7. The European Astronomical Observatory is a big Telescope interference instrument

The interference instrument of the southern observatory of Europe

It is a 48.2 -meter diameter Telescope structureCheng, located on Mount Sear Parana, Chile, can operate alone or form a very large Telescope interference instrument.The instruments assembled in the big Telescope can provide detailed observation materials and capture the changes in the star body movement of one billionth.This combined astronomy observation can detect cosmic light 4 billion times more visible than the human body.

Pictures taken by the Da Ling mirror of the Southern Observatory of Europe

Very large Telescope helps astronomers to observe the "fried circle cake" structure shown in the figure, which is considered to be a large quality black hole at the center of many galaxies. Generally, the area near the black hole is very bright.Several Levels of brightness.Indirect evidence tells that astronomers are a gas and dust structure with thick frying circular cakes, which are wrapped in black holes.No one of the astronomers had previously observed the star structure.In 2003, astronomers used very big Telescopes to reveal the mysterious veil of the fried circle cake structure of the NGC 1068 galaxy center.

8. Gemini Telescope

Gemini Telescope is not two tightly adjacent Telescopes. This is two 8 -meter diameter optical/infrared Telescopes, which are located on the east -west hemisphere.The Telescope located in the northern hemisphere is coordinated with other Telescopes in Monakia, Hawaii. The Telescope located in the southern hemisphere is located on Mount Siro Parana, Chile.Place the Telescope in two hemispheres for easy observation of all -weather systems.Its main mirror uses active optical control, and the auxiliary mirror is quickly corrected as an inclined mirror. It will also use the adaptive optical system to make the infrared area close to the diffraction limit.

Picture of Gemini Telescope

It impressed the astronomers.This is likely to be the first picture of the planet surround another star. Astronomers did not eventually determine whether the star actually surrounds a young sun star.If it is a planet, then it will be a behemoth in the planetary family, and its quality is 8 times that of Jupiter.The distance between it is 330 times the distance between the earth-Solar distance. Compared with it, the sea king star in the Solar system is only 30 times that of the earth-Solar distance from the sun.

9. Multi -mirror Telescope

Multi -mirror Telescope

Multi -mirror Telescope is referred to as MMT. Before the main mirror surface is installed, 6 small mirrors are used. This 6.5 -meter diameter main mirror has a specially inferior honeycomb design.The multi -mirror Telescope is an art -level building, and it does not have the dome structure of the traditional observatory.This unique appearance makes the walls, tops, tops and Telescopes of the Observatory's wall, and Telescopes can quickly cool down the Telescope and improve observation efficiency.At present, Multi -mirror Telescope is located on Hopkinson Mountain, Tunson, Arizona, USA.

Multi -mirror Telescope shooting pictures

Because it is in the galaxy, it is difficult to observe the structure of the Milky Way, but the multi -mirror Telescope (referred to as MMT) can help us better observe the "twin brothers" of the galaxy -Triangle Star -based (referred to as M33).Although this galaxy looks very much like the galaxy, it is actually smaller.There are 200 billion stars in the galaxy, while only 10-40 billion stars in the triangle galaxy.Astronomers use multi -mirror Telescopes to establish three -dimensional maps of galaxies, which is conducive to searching for exterior planets and detecting ancient stars in the current period of the universe.

10. Magellan I & amp; II Telescope

Magellan Telescope is currently the latest bilateral Telescope. Two Telescopes are 200 feet apart from the heights of the Atkama Desert in Chile.The 6.5 -meter diameter mirror of the Telescope floats on a high -pressure oil film, and its friction is small, and children can promote this 150 -ton Telescope.However, no astronomer wants to slide the mirror, so driving the cylinder and the driving plane can form a pressure of 10,000 pounds to keep the mirror stable.

Pictures taken by Magellan Telescope

The 8 Zhang Magellan Telescope is combined to form this dazzling picture, which is called "Thor's helmet".This is shot by the spectral camera of the Magellan regional camera using the "Inamori) Magellan regional camera and assembled 8 megapixel CCD detectors.As a result, as a Wolf-Rayet Stars, its surface temperature can reach 25,000-50000 Kai Kai's temperature.

1. Do you wear socks when wearing water -related shoes?

Wearing water -related shoes generally do not need to wear socks, because if we wear socks, once the socks are wet, it will make yourself feel more uncomfortable.However, it is recommended to wear socks, because the shoes and feet have a Running -in period.Although the water -related shoes are used with fast and dry fabrics, they can keep the inside of the shoes as dry as possible, but people can produce sweat in their footsteps during exercise.Rolling inside is not conducive to Outdoor safety.Therefore, when wearing water -related shoes, wearing socks is still very good for outdoor sports.

Generally speaking, wearing water -related shoes and then wearing socks is to absorb sweat, so when choosing socks, you should use cotton socks that are easy to absorb sweat.So as not to shrink down.Of course, pay attention to replacement in time after the socks are wet.

2. How to choose Outdoor stream shoes

1. Drainage

Due to the particularity of the stirring movement, a large amount of sediment may enter the shoes with the water flow during the movement. In order to reduce the wear of the sediment in the water, a pair of wading shoes must have a good drainability.Generally speaking, it means that there must be a corresponding amount of water leakage from the upper to the insoles and soles, so as to quickly drove the drainage and sweat.

2. Anti -slip

Many streams are covered with stones. If the water flows rushing, the surface of these stones will be very Smooth.If the water flow is flushed slowly, the surface of the stone is easy to grow moss, which is also a hidden safety hazard.Therefore, a good pair of water -related shoes must have enough non -slip.The professional non -slip outsole that the streaming shoes must have, while protecting the feet, there is also a certain comfort, it is easy to walk, and can cope with several road conditions at the same time.It is best to have a special groove -groove Shading design to increase its touch area.

3. Shock absorption

It is inevitable to jump around between the stones or walk in the light river bed in the stones.It is uncomfortable to wear a pair of high -tech rubber boots in the height of the cobblestone water.

4. Select the shape

Creek shoes have all -inclusive design and non -all -inclusive type.Generally speaking, the all -inclusive type can cling to the feet and protect the feet, and evenly wrap the feet.StreamThe choice of collar is the sole first, manyStreamAfter wearing it for a long time or soaking in water, the taste is mostly from the midsole of the sole. Such soles may have good comfort, but they dry very slowly after wetting, and the water will continue to penetrate the soles.

[Hot and warm box purchase] Which type of cool and warm box is better to use the warm and warm box to buy guidelines

The advantages and disadvantages of semiconductor refrigeration (heat)

1. Volume and cost.No compressor is required, not only is the volume and small costs very low, but it can be reflected and heated.

2. Refrigeration temperature and heating temperature.Most of the minimum refrigeration temperature is about 6 degrees Celsius; the temperature difference between the minimum temperature and the environmental temperature does not exceed 20-25 degrees Celsius; the maximum heating temperature is about 65 degrees Celsius.

Large and medium vehicles can choose to compress the model Car refrigerator

1. RV, bus, and business models are larger. For large and medium -sized vehicles with larger compartment, if you need to be stronger, faster, and more constant, the refrigeration performance is required.The Car refrigerator is the first choice.

2. Power interface.Large and medium -sized vehicles are sufficient, and can even provide 220V standard power port and power output power above 500W.

3. Compressed models of car refrigerators usually have no heating function.

Don't ignore the thermal insulation and heating function

1. Thermal insulation effect.The cabinet of the car's warm and warm box is thick and good thermal insulation performance, and it should have good thermal insulation (cold) performance.

2. The heating function is more practical.In winter, many regions do not need to refrigerate (the trunk is an excellent "refrigerator"), but enjoying a hot food and drinks in the itinerary often become extravagant.The insulation and heating function of the car warm and warm box uses the place where it is displayed at this time.3. Heating is more efficient than cooling.Fortunately, the heating speed of the car warm and warm box is relatively faster and more efficient, and the temperature limit of the maximum 65 degrees Celsius is enough to meet daily needs.

The relationship between capacity, refrigeration speed and power

1. The larger the capacity, the slower the cooling (thermal).For example, for example: 60W power 4 -liter of mini warm and warm box. At the temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, the temperature in the box (empty box) can be reduced to 6 degrees Celsius in about 3 small, but if it is also 60W power 8 liters, if it is also 60W power 8 liters, 8 liters of power 8 litersThe cooling and warm box of capacity may take more than 6 hours to fall to 6 degrees Celsius.

2. The smaller the power, the slower the cooling (thermal).Play another less accurate analogy: a 60W power 4 -liter mini warm and warm box. If it is 3 hours of refrigeration to 6 degrees Celsius, if it is replaced by 30W power, this time may be extended to more than 6 hours (Little Mara Grandcar).

3. Cold and warm boxes with small capacity and high power.In order to ensure good refrigeration efficiency, under the premise of sufficient capacity, high -power, small -capacity warm and warm box may be the best choice.

Factors affecting cooling (thermal) efficiency

1. Environmental temperature.The higher the ambient temperature, the slower the cooling speed of the car in the car, and the faster the heating speed; vice versa.

2. The items to be stored.If a bottle of boiling water wants to refrigerate, the effect of putting in the car hot and warm box is not as effective as opening the bottle cap for a few hours; if it is a piece of ice, if you want to be discharged, the effect of putting in the car warm and warm box may be in the sun.The difference is not much different.

3. Pre -cold (hot) food and drink.In order to achieve rapid and efficient cooling or heating, it is necessary to put food that need to be refrigerated in advance in the home refrigerator in advance, or heat the food that needs heating in advance in the microwave oven, which can achieve faster, more efficient, more efficient, more efficient, more efficientConstant cooling or heating effect.

4. It is strongly recommended to use ice Bags or iced bottles of water to assist cold, which is more efficient and more constant.

The necessity of the car family dual -use warm and warm box

1. Innonal air is not that you can come.Many car owners complain that the cooling speed of the car warm and warm box is slow. It is known that a bottle of constant warm water is placed in the Car refrigerator for 1 hour and has not changed much.The slow cooling speed is indeed the embarrassment of the car warm and warm box, which is also the time when the advantages of the cool and cold box of the car family.Housewriters can be used on the car or connect to the ordinary power supply at home, which can be used at home. It can work almost in any place with a power supply to maximize the temperature loss and fluctuations caused by power interruption.

2. Use the car warm and warm box in the home environment.The working principle of the car warm and warm box is similar to that kind of refrigerated heat -made dual -use water dispenser. If necessary, you can use the car warm and warm box in the home environment through the power transferor, which makes the advantages of the dual -use of the car.Essence

The benefits of swimming in summer

1. Prevention of heatstroke and cooling

In the hot summer weather, choosing the indoor pool swimming can play a role in preventing heatstroke and cooling, because the human body exudes calories in the water nearly 20 times faster than in the air.The calories have played a good cooling effect, one of the best choices for heatstroke prevention.

2. There is weight loss

Because the human body heat dissipates fast in the water, and swimming requires full -body exercise, the hands and feet, the head and the head exercise the water together, and the resistance of the water is also large, and the person consumes more physical fitness in the water. For people who want to lose weight, it is nothing more than those who want to lose weight.It is a very good and effective way.Especially for women, it can also play a role in thin buttocks, and the body shape is more beautiful.

3. Improve lung capacity

When swimming, you can choose a submerged swimming or breaststroke appropriately, or slowly take a deep breath to make the lungs full of air.Twitter.Such long -term training can slowly improve cardiopulmonary function and increase lung capacity.

4. Enhance resistance

Because the human body heat dissipates fast in the water, the body needs to continuously supplement energy in order to adjust the body temperature, promote the acceleration of metabolism in the new city, continuously balance the temperature of the body and outside body, increase the ability to adapt to changes in the outside world, and play a role in resisting the cold.swimming people, their own resistance is gradually increasing.

5. Main perfect figure

Because people need to overcome the various resistance of water, consume physical energy, perform anaerobic exercise, can effectively burn fat into muscles, and this is just different from sports and bodybuilding on land.swimming can reduce the various impact of the bones on the land, and by overcoming the water resistance, the overall muscles of people can be more assembled and more well -proportioned curve beauty.

6. Help to prevent spondylosis

When swimming properly, retreating can allow the whole person to lie on the water surface, and the support of hydropower. At this time, the human spine does not need to support the importance of the entire body.Going down can effectively prevent spondylosis.

7. Help the Skin more flexible and elastic

During the swimming process, the human Skin's Skin is water and friction of water, and the Skin is effectively massaged to make the Skin more flexible. At the same time, swimming is different from land motion, which can effectively reduce salt in sweat to the Skin in the Skin.Stimulation.

8. Help children grow taller

swimming is divided into free swimming, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly swimming, diving swimming, etc., no matter which method, it needs to be used together, and the whole body exercise and coordination, especially the effective stretching of joints and ligaments.Suitable for growth.

Disadvantages of swimming in summer

1. Suitable to suffer from infectious diseases

Because there are many crowds in the swimming pool, there will also be a large number of infectious disease bacteria in the water. If the immunity is not good, it will be easily infected if it stays in the water for too long.

2. Triggement cramps

swimming for a long time will cause the muscle to overwork and cramps. In severe cases, drowning may occur, which is also a major disadvantage of swimming.

What time is the best time to swim in summer

Generally speaking, summerThe weather is hot, especially the Sanfu Tian, so when exercising, pay attention to some problems.swimming time is very important. It is a good choice at six or seven o'clock in the morning, from 4 to 5 pm, and after seven or eight pm.It is best to choose to exercise from 5 to 7 pm, because during this time, the body's function is better.

The strongest ultraviolet of the sun (will cause the greatest damage) is between 10 am and 3 pm.It is best to choose to swim at 4 pm.Especially people who work indoors are less sun -exposed and more prone to sunburn.

But try not to swim at 10 pm, otherwise insomnia will cause insomnia due to nervousness.

summer Safe swimming Common Sense

1. Before swimming, you should keep warm -up and then launch. Although the summer is hot, if in the water, the physical temperature will be lost for a long time, which will easily lead to cramps and may be risk of drowning.

2. When we swim, you must swim with the accompaniment of adults. If you are not skilled in your own technology, do not go to Sham Shui District to swim.

3. When swimming in the river outdoors, it is necessary to pay attention to the water quality problems in the river. To prevent the emergence of grasshoppers, water snakes, and even poisonous snakes.

4. When we are swimming, some people sweat directly in the water. This is very harmful. We must wait for the sweat to dry and then launch.

5. Before swimming in the swimming pool, the eye drops are dripped first. The current swimming pool is actually very dirty. There are many bacteria. When people stay in the water for too long, the eyes will become red and itchy allergic symptoms.

summer swimming

1. Avoid swimming before meals

Emptor swimming can affect appetite and digestive function, and also cause accidents such as dizziness in swimming; full swimming can also affect digestive function, and also cause stomach cramps, and even vomit and abdominal pain.

2. Avoid swimming after drama

swimming immediately after strenuous exercise will make the heart aggravate the burden; the sharp decline in body temperature will weaken resistance, causing colds and laryngitis.

3. Avoid menstrual swimming during menstrual period

swimming during menstruation, germs are likely to enter the uterus, fallopian Tube, etc., causing infection, leading to irregular menstruation, excessive menstruation, and prolonged menstruation.

4. Avoid swimming in unfamiliar waters

When swimming in natural waters, do not rashly launch.Those around the waters and underwater conditions should not be swimming in water to avoid accidents.

5. Avoid exposing swimming for a long time

Long -term exposure will cause sunburn, or cause acute dermatitis, also known as sunlight burns.In order to prevent the occurrence of sunburn, it is best to use an umbrella to shade or rest in a shade of the tree after landing, or protect the Skin on the body with a bath towel, or apply sunscreen on the body's naked place.

summer swimming equipment

1. Swimsuit

Swimming trunks must be fitted.If it is too large, it is easy to wander when swimming, so as to increase physical load and resistance and affect swimming movements.Therefore, the swimming suit should be comfortable and comfortable to wear on the body.

2. Swimming hat

Wearing a swimming cap during swimming, especially women, can prevent the hair from being scattered. Sometimes the water quality is not good and can prevent the hair from becoming yellow.Most of the swimming hats are bright in color, which is convenient for life -saving staff on the shore.

3. swimming mirror

If the water quality is not clean, the bacteria can easily enter the eyes during swimming, resulting in red eye disease.In order to prevent eye diseases, we need to wear swimming glasses for swimming.For those who are new to swimming, wearing swimming glasses can also let them open their eyes in the water.

4, earplugs

It is unavoidable to flow into the ears when swimming.The ears are uncomfortable after water, and sometimes cause pain and affect hearing.In order to prevent water from entering the ear, earplugs should be prepared.

5. Floating items

For beginners, it is best to have some floating items, such as the survival circle (ClothesCure, Foam plastic water board, etc.However, when preparing these items, you must always check the life jacket and the circle to prevent accidents to prevent accidents.

6, bath towels and slippers

bath towels and slippers are a must -have for swimmers. After swimming, go ashore after swimming, dry the body with a towel, put on bath towels, and put on slippers to keep warm, prevent colds, and be more hygienic.

7, nasal clip

During swimming, because water waves often pour water into the nostrils, they produce water and cough, especially for beginners.In order to prevent water from entering the nostrils, it is best to prepare a nasal clip. It can force the mouth to inhale with the mouth instead of inhaling without nose, which can avoid water.