Articles in Categorys GPS navigators

1. Positioning principle of Beidou system

The 35 satellites run around the earth at a height of more than 20,000 kilometers from the ground, surrounding the earth with a fixed cycle, so that at any time, any more than 4 satellites can be observed at any point on the ground.

Because the position of the satellite is accurate, in the observation of satellites, we can get the distance from the satellite to the receiver. Using the distance formula in the three -dimensional coordinates, the three satellites can be used to form three equations to solve the observation point of the observation point.Location (x, y, z).Considering the error between the clock of the satellite and the receiver clock, there are actually 4 unknown, the difference between X, Y, Z, and clocks, so the 4th satellite needs to be introduced to form 4 squares for solving, so as to obtain the observation point of the observation pointLavels and heights.

In fact, the receiver can often lock more than 4 satellites. At this time, the receiver can be distributed into several groups according to the satellite constellation, and each group is 4, and then the group with the smallest error is selected by the algorithm for positioning, thereby positioning, so asImprove accuracy.

The concept of "arrival time difference" (delay) is implemented: the accurate position of each satellite and the navigation information generated by the continuously sent atomic clock generated on the star of the star to obtain the time difference from the satellite to the receiver.

The satellite sends a radio signal with time and location information in the air for receiving the receiver.Due to the distance factor of the transmission, the time when the receiving machine receives the signal is delayed than the moment when the signal sends the signal, it is usually called a delay. Therefore, the distance can be determined by the delay.The satellite and receiving machine generate the same pseudo -random code at the same time. Once the two yards achieve time synchronization, the receiver can determine the delay; take the delay on the speed of light, and get the distance.

The computer and navigation information generators on each satellite understand their orbit position and system time very accurately, while the global monitoring station network maintains the position and system time of the satellite continuously tracking the satellite.Together with the main control station on the ground, with its operation control section, at least once a day, it is injected into the correction data of each satellite.Injecting data include: determination of the orbit position of each satellite in the constellation and the correction of the star clock.These correction data are calculated on the basis of complex models and can be maintained within a few weeks.

Satellite navigation system time is maintained by the pupae of the atomic clock on each satellite.Within a few seconds of NATO of these star clocks to the world coordination (UTC), UTC is maintained by the "main clock" of the US Navy's viewing table. The stability of each main clock is several 10^-13 seconds.The satellites used two frequency bands and two frequency bands in the early days. Later, it gradually changed to more frequent bands.Generally, within any designated time, only one frequency sign is working on each satellite.

Satellite navigation principle: The distance between satellite and users is based on the difference between the launch time of satellite signals and the time to reach the receiver, called pseudo -distance.In order to calculate the user's three -dimensional position and the bell deviation of the receiver, the pseudo -distance measurement requires that at least the signals from 4 satellites are received.

Due to the errors of satellite Running track and satellite clock, the effects of atmosphere on the signal on the flow layer and ionization layer on the signal, so that the positioning accuracy of civilian use is only tens of meters.In order to improve the positioning accuracy, the differential positioning technology (such as DGPS, DGNSS) is generally adopted, and the ground ground reference station (differential platform) is established for satellite observation., And released to the outside world.After receiving the correction number, the receiver compares it with its own observation value, eliminates most of the errors, and obtains a more accurate position.Experiments show that the positioning of differential positioning technology can be improved to the rice level.

Second, system function

(1) Four features

Shrology communication: Beidou system user terminal has two-way message communication functions, and users can transmit 40-60 Chinese characters at a time.It can reach information with 120 Chinese characters at a time.It has important application value in ocean navigation.

Precision time: Beidou system has a precision time-seeking function, which can provide users with 20ns-100ns time synchronization accuracy.

Positioning accuracy: horizontal accuracy of 100 meters (1S), 20 meters (similar to differential status) after the establishment of a school station.Working frequency: 2491.75MHz.

The largest number of users accommodated by the system: 540,000 households/h.

(2) military function

The military functions of the "Beidou" satellite navigation positioning system are similar to GPS, such as: positioning navigation of motion targets; the rapid positioning of the launch position of the weapon vehicle launch of the reaction time;

This function is used in military, which means that the positioning of troops at all Levels can be actively positioned, which means that once the troops at all Levels are equipped with the "Beidou" satellite navigation positioning system, in addition to their own positioning navigation, the senior headquarters can also pass at any time through at any time.The "Beidou" system masters the position of the troops and conveys the relevant commands, which is quite helpful for the implementation of the task.In other words, the execution of the "Beidou" satellite navigation positioning system can be used to command and control and the battlefield management.

(3) Civil function

1. Personal location service

When you enter a place where you are not familiar with, you can use a mobile phone or car satellite navigation device equipped with Beidou satellite navigation to receive chips to find the route you want to take.

2. Meteorological application

The development of Beidou navigation satellite weather can promote China's weather analysis and numerical weather forecast, climate change monitoring and prediction, and improve the level of spatial weather early warning business, and improve China's ability to prevent disaster prevention and mitigation.

In addition, the meteorological application of the Beidou navigation satellite system has an important impact on promoting the innovation application and industrial expansion of Beidou navigation satellite.

3. Road traffic management

Satellite navigation will help slow down traffic blockage and improve road traffic management level.By installing a satellite navigation receiver and data transmitter on the vehicle, the location information of the vehicle can be automatically reposted to the central station within a few seconds.These location information can be used for road traffic management.

4. smart transportation of railway

Satellite navigation will promote the upgrading and transformation of traditional transportation methods.For example, in the field of railway transportation, by installing satellite navigation terminal equipment, it can greatly shorten the interval between the train, reduce transportation costs, and effectively improve transportation efficiency.In the future, the Beidou satellite navigation system will provide highly reliable, high -precision positioning, speed measurement, and timing services to promote the modernization of railway transportation and realize the transformation of traditional scheduling to intelligent transportation management.

5. Sea transportation and water transportation

Sea transport and water transportation are one of the most widely transported methods in the world and one of the earliest applications for satellite navigation.Most of the various types of vessels driving in the world's oceans and rivers and lakes are installed with satellite navigation terminal equipment to make sea and water transport more efficient and secure.Beidou satellite navigation systems will provide navigation positioning and safety guarantee for water sailing ships under any weather conditions.At the same time, the telecommunications function unique to the Beidou satellite navigation system will support the development of various new services.

6. Air transportation

When the aircraft landed at the airport, the most basic requirement is to ensure the safe distance between the aircraft.Using the advantages of accurate positioning and speed measurement of satellite navigation, you can determine the instantaneous position of the aircraft in real time, effectively reduce the safe distance between the aircraft, and even in the case of heavy fog weather, it can achieve automatic blind drops, which greatly improves flight safety and airport operations.efficiency.By combining the effective combination of the Beidou satellite navigation system with the other systems, more security guarantees will be provided for aviation transportation.

7. Emergency rescue

Satellite navigation has been widely used in searches and rescue in the sparse areas of deserts, mountains, oceans, and other people.When major disasters such as earthquakes and floods, the key to the success of rescue is to understand the disaster in a timely manner and reach the rescue location quickly.In addition to the navigation positioning of the Beidou satellite navigation system, it also has a short newspaper communication function. Through satellite navigation terminal equipment, it can report the location and disaster situation in time to effectively shorten the time of rescue search, increase the time limit for rescue and disaster relief, and greatly reduce the loss of people's lives and property.

8. Guide to grazing

In October 2014, the Beidou system began to pilot the construction of the Beidou satellite grazing informatization guidance system in the pastoral area of Qinghai Province. It mainly relies on the automatic station of the data collection of Beidou smart terminals and pasture for the belligence of the pasture area to achieve data information transmission.The dynamic monitoring of the pasta, cattle, and cattle and sheep through Beidou ground stations and Beidou star groups and relay treated.In the summer of 2015, herders in pilot pastoral areas can use special Beidou smart terminal devices to guide grazing.

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Common questions and answers of GPS anti -theft device

1. What is GPS anti -theft device?

Answer: GPS anti -theft is an anti -theft system that is attached to the original car. Based on the original car anti -theft system, the detection and alarm function is added. The equipment used by GPS positioning technology to carry out follow -up tracking of the vehicle is used.

2. What are its main functions?

Answer: The basic functions that a good GPS anti -theft device should have are: risk detection and alarm function, vehicle location query and vehicle status query, cutting off oil circuit function, locking prompt function, and so on.

3. How to choose a good GPS anti -theft product?

Answer: To buy a good GPS anti -theft product, we should consider the following aspects:

(1) Cost, including purchase costs and costs. Most of the product service fees in the market are high, resulting in an increase in use costs, accounting for more than 70%of the total cost.

(2) Matching with the original car system: The well -designed equipment can completely retain the function and use habits of the original car anti -theft system; the number of connecting lines with the original car is small; and it can adapt to various models.

(3) Easy to use and protect privacy: The design of the well -designed equipment should be free and convenient to use by users, and the background center should not participate too much.

4. What is the difference between GPS anti -theft device and the original anti -theft system?

Answer: The original car anti -theft system is equivalent to "difficult locks". It increases the difficulty of cracking thieves through various means. When it is attacked, it is only "resistance" and will not "call for help".Unable to cope with robbery, GPS anti -theft device is attached to the original car anti -theft system, and increased detection and alarm on the basis of the original system function.The equipment detects the owner of the car to enter the police state after locking the car. If someone attacks the vehicle, the equipment will immediately notify the owner and the monitoring center in danger information; if the robbery is encountered, the owner can press the help button to send the help information to the monitoring center.

5. What fees do I need to use GPS anti -theft products?

Answer: The cost of equipment purchased for the first time and the monthly rental fee for future use requires the monthly rental fee because the realization of the anti -theft device requires the joint service through telecommunications operators and GPS operators.

6. How does the error of GPS anti -theft produced?

Answer: There are mainly the following cases of misunderstanding:

(1) Improper use of car owners.

(2) After the defense is set, the anti -theft device is too sensitive.

7. What are the problems caused by mistakes?

Answer: The error poster is first to increase the communication cost of the owner. Secondly, the frequent errors will use the palsy and vigilance of the households. Often, the result is that the real mistakes are not enough attention.

8. How to reduce the occurrence of misunderstandings?

Answer: The best way to reduce the misunderstanding of the error report is to be reasonable in product design, which can effectively match the original car system, detect the status of the original car, identify the identity of the owner, and thus do everything possible.May reduce the misunderstanding.

9. What is the working mode of a good GPS anti -theft device?

Answer: The working mode refers to how to report information when the vehicle appears in danger, report information to who to process information, and how to deal with information. A good GPS anti -theft device first notify the car owner after the vehicle is in danger, and can report in detail how to be invaded. If the owner of the owner, the ownerThe alarm is not processed, and the automatic notification center is processed. This emphasizes "prevention of preventing problems before", emphasizing effective early warning and intervention as soon as possible, reducing the cost of chasing car and being destroyed by the stolen vehicle. It also has the ability to track and control the stolen vehicle.

10. How to use GPS to query the location of the vehicle?

Answer: Query vehicle location is the basic function of GPS anti -theft device, and it is also a common function used by car owners. It is best to protect the owner's privacy. At the same time, it must be convenient and timely. Now there are phone check -up vehicles and mobile phone text messages on anti -theft device products on the market.There are two types of cars. The latter is favored by more and more car owners due to the low cost and effectively protecting the privacy of car owners.

11. What should I do if the owner finds that the vehicle is lost after the vehicle is lost?

Answer: How to confirm that the vehicle is stolen by the car thief. First of all, the owner can intercept the oil circuit from the oil circuit through SMS instructions. It can also call the monitoring center to intercept the oil circuit. The police should be notified immediately at the same time so that the case can be detected early.

12. The owner's key is lost, what should I do?

Answer: If the car key is lost or forgot to bring it, you can unlock / lock through the mobile phone SMS instruction.

13. What are the types of anti -theft?

Their working principles and advantages and inferior Answer: Since the summary, the popular car anti -theft device on the market has mechanical anti -theft, electronic anti -theft and GPS anti -theft.

(1) Mechanical anti -theft is mainly to achieve the purpose of anti -theft by locking clutch, braking, throttle or steering wheel, and gear gear gear.The disadvantage is that the anti -theft is not thorough. Every time it is disassembled, it is more troublesome.It was an early car anti -theft supplies.

(2) Electronic anti -theft is the purpose of locking or starting or starting to achieve anti -theft. At the same time, it has anti -theft and sound alarm functions. Compared with mechanical anti -theft, electronic anti -theft has made great progress.question.

(3) GPS satellite positioning vehicle anti -theft system is a network anti -theft. It mainly relies on locking or starting to achieve the purpose of anti -theft.EssenceThe GPS anti -theft device has a lot of functions. It can not only monitor the location of the vehicle in real time, but also monitor the internal sound of the vehicle through the vehicle mobile phone. If necessary, you can turn off the vehicle oil circuit, circuit and lock all doors and windows.If the GPS anti -theft device is illegally dismantled, it will send a report information itself.The effect of anti -theft of this product is obvious.

14. Will the GPS anti -theft device affect the original car system?

Answer: Because the oil -breaking power function is to be achieved, the installation of GPS anti -theft device needs to be modified to the original car to a certain extent. The product installation work is operated by professional technicians. After that, the product will be debugged. Therefore, regular manufacturers produce production.The reasonable design of GPS anti -theft device will not cause any negative effects on the original car system.

15. Is the GPS anti -theft device complicated?Do I need professional skills?

Answer: It is not complicated and does not require any professional skills. You can use your mobile phone to use GPS anti -theft.

16. Does the use of GPS anti -theft device expose personal privacy?

Answer: First of all, the GPS anti -theft device is equal to the monitor or camera. On the information screen, only one point will be displayed without images. This layer of concerns is unnecessary.

17. Excessive power consumption will affect vehicle driving?

Answer: It is prone to unable to start after a long period of parking.

18. Can all models be installed with GPS anti -theft?

Answer: According to the working principle of GPS, it should be theoretically applicable to all models.However, because the matching of the GPS anti -theft and the original car anti -theft system, the products that cannot be produced by manufacturers are different from the adaptability of the original car.

19. How does it take about GPS anti -theft device to install?

Answer: Using hidden installation, the purpose is not to attract the attention of others. It really achieves the function of anti -theft. Its route is to use parallel installation. Generally, the installation time takes about 60 minutes

20. In addition to the anti -theft function, the GPS anti -theft device has other functions?

Answer: In order to improve the overall function of the product and win market competition in order to improve the overall function of the product, in addition to the basic anti -theft function, it has also added functions such as anti -robbery, vehicle telephone, monitoring, and video.Replenish.

21. What are the alarm methods of anti -theft device on the market?

Answer: There are two ways of warning: telephone alarm and SMS alarm.

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Common faults and solutions of GPS navigation instruments

1. The machine is not turned on

(1) Do not use it for a long time, do not turn on.It may be that the battery is written and protected. The connection is connected to the charger. You can turn on it. If you still can't turn on the power, please shorten the battery bipolar!

(2) The machine is not turned on (non -artificially damaged).At the beginning, you can try to press the "reset key" to revitalize the machine. If it is not good, it is likely that the machine drops the program, and the other is the key failure of the opening.

2. Click on the screen with sound but the function is useless

When the machine is used, the touch screen is not responded or inaccurate. Try to calibrate. In addition, it is likely to be the quality of the touch screen. The lines are loose. This situation occurs in winter.Chip, this problem can only be solved by the manufacturer.

3. After booting, I have been staying in the system and cannot be included in the system

One is long time, chip aging, procedure lost, and heavy brushing program.One is human operating errors, brushing the master program, and the system program in the memory by mistake when the map is upgraded. You can only brush the corresponding system software. Do not blindly brush the machine system file.brick.

4. GPS navigation cannot receive satellite signals

(1) It is useless for a long time, which causes not to search for stars.First of all, enter the map to initialize GPS, or not to accept stars, it must be the GPS module loose fake welding.

(2) You cannot find a signal or a signal for a long time.Needless to say, the GPS antenna is aging and return to the factory.

5. GPS terminal can search for satellites but cannot locate

(1) In terms of software, the map upgrade port is not modified. The download port testing software is tested, or the map owner program is not configured correctly.Some machines need to use a special version map, and a special version must be equipped.Use the GPS star search emulator with the machine itself to determine whether the hardware problem is.

(2) In terms of hardware, the machine has been exposed to the sun for a long time or works at high temperature (the machine will generate heat when working, and it is quite hot for a long time) causes the machine, GPS module, antenna to accelerate the aging, or burn directly, resulting in not searching for search.The signal or only one or two stars.

6. GPS terminal cannot recognize the memory card

(1) Software: Based on the old machine before, it does not support SD cards of more than 2G. Everyone trys to patch a patch (the system is very small).

(2) Hardware: First determine whether there is a problem with the SD card, and then check whether the SD card slot has foreign bodies, and then consider whether the card slot is damaged.

7. How to flash the machine to update the machine system version

Many G friends, I want to toss the machine and refresh the system version. First of all, we must understand the machine scheme, motherboard model and parameters (enter the settings -system information), write system information by hand, or use hand to determine the system information, or to use the system information, orScreenshots, then contact dealers or manufacturers to update the software.If you are looking online, you must pay attention to whether it is consistent with the motherboard. Do not brush it randomly, otherwise you will change your bricks.

8.GPS screen reaction is slow

There are two types of screen reactions in general GPS: there will be two types of slow -screen reactions: there will be two types:

1. The screen is damaged by the sharp object.

2. Degrees of screen recognition.

Simple judgment and solution:

To identify the reason for the slow response of the screen, you can choose to enter the place name in your search destination.If the words in the handwritten box are always intermittent, it is difficult to be coherent, and even divided into multiple parts.Then the touch screen is likely to be damaged by sharp objects.Generally, this situation will only appear when it is more than half a year, and there is no solution.The key is the usual use and maintenance.When input, choose a handwriting pen with GPS, and try not to use the screen or toothpicks with sharp things for a long time as alternative with your fingertips.

9.The suction cup of GPS bracket is easy to loosen, and the back clip is easy to break

In the GPS accessories, the bracket is the most prone to problems, especially the suction cup and the back clip.Many car owners report that the quality of the bracket's suction cup is too poor, completely sticky, and the road conditions have fallen slightly; the back clips are also very easy to break, and it will break.

Simple judgment and solution:

In fact, the phenomenon of loosening the suction cup generally occurs after a period of use. When the circular glue part of the suction cup is entered due to the air, the gap is left out of the vacuum part.fall.Frequent paste and extraction can also reduce the attachment function of the suction cup.The owner can wipe the front windshield and navigation bracket suction cups to reduce the gap left in the vacuum part.If the loose time is too frequent, GPS brackets should be replaced to avoid hidden safety hazards.

The back clip is broken, which is more caused by human factors.The unfairly demolition method of the owner makes the back clip that is not sturdy more easily broken.When removing, pay more attention to the direction of the back clip. Unfortunately, you can really be broken. You can buy universal brackets for replacement.

10.GPS cannot use the vehicle power supply

Under normal circumstances, GPS's battery life is about 1-2 hours, so when long-distance driving, vehicle power is needed.However, some car owners found that the prompts are always not bright whenever they use the vehicle power supply.After the inspection, it was found that the fuse of the original cigarette heater was burned, so the external power supply could not be used.At this time, the owner often believes that the quality of the car power supply of the GPS is too poor, but after multiple replacement, the situation is still.

In fact, the reason for the unable to use the vehicle power supply by GPS is not exactly caused by the quality of the vehicle power supply. Some of the reasons are caused by the design of the cigarette lighter.

Simple judgment and solution:

The owner can first observe which interface of his GPS vehicle power supply belongs to which one shows the following figure. When the A -type plug is plugged out, the fuse will occur, while the B plug will not happen.The owner can replace the vehicle power supply of the B plug.

For car owners who use the car plugs using A interface, if you do not want to change the vehicle power supply, you can insert it after starting the car and before the fire off the fire to prevent instant high -voltage burning.If you think this method is troublesome, you can choose to make a simple transformation of the cigarette lighter in the car.The metal piece above the cigarette jack is flat (red standard), so that the GPS cannot use the vehicle power supply.

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[GPS Technology] The main key technology of GPS chip is the three generations of GPS chips 9 major knowledge

With the development of science and technology, the development of GPS navigation is increasingly worth looking forward to, and the development of the core technology of GPS chip is the most worthy of our concern.In the process of the development of GPS chips, "miniaturization" has always been an important development direction, which has led the GPS chipset to reduce power consumption and reduce volume.The system can provide detailed and accurate positioning information and traffic information, which can easily achieve the CPS satellite navigation function.

In recent years, due to the increase in chip manufacturers and providing integrity solutions, module manufacturers are more likely to develop integrated products. Therefore, a large number of manufacturers have invested in the production of receiver products.The effect of helping the GPS boom has also caused the price of GPS chips with the highest cost of GPS machine costs, and the GPS chip used to provide consumer electronics products has also begun to show their figures. In addition, chip manufacturers have gradually improved their performance performanceTherefore, the chip positioning ability has gradually closer.Under this trend, how GPS chip products win the affirmation of buyers, and have become the key factor in competing with each GPS chip in the market.

Speaking of the main key technologies of GPS chips, this includes responsible signal processing -base frequency (Baseband) and receiving signal -RF (RF).Since the GPS signal frequency (1575.42MHz) comes from a high altitude of 20,000 kilometers from the ground, the signal is very unstable, so the antenna receiving signal has been enlarged, filtered noise, frequency reduction, and sampling (RFFRORONT END) after the antenna receiving signal, and then passes throughAfter RF, the signal enters the base frequency processing section, and the digital signal sampled in the previous paragraph is calculated and output to facilitate the use of user interfaces. Among them, the GPS Baseband DSP chip is the core component, which is responsible for processing the address signal.

Based on the above, the two parts of RF and the base frequency include micro -processor Microprocessar, low noise amplifier (LNA), digital ections, RF Section, antenna Ele -Ment.), Output into several important components of the drive (GPI andDrivers) and the PRO -CESSOR PERIPHERALS.The integration of various GPS chip solutions on the market makes the GPS chip market is facing great variables.The first is "miniaturization". Looking back at the development history of GPS chips in recent years, with the combination of GPS and other products, and emphasizing that the volume of the terminal product is light and short, the GPS chip direction of the system single chipization of the system is an inevitable trend.At present, manufacturers can divide radio frequency or base frequency single chips for GPS single -chipization, and integrate more functionality.In the RF chip part, many manufacturers have integrated amplifier, filter, frequency reduction, frequency synthesizer and oscillator;Flash), power management time clock, etc.

Therefore, we see that the size of the GPS chip has gradually narrowed, and the GPS chip has developed from a dual module to a single module. In the future, GPS equipment products will become more and more vigorous, and chip demand will become greater.In addition, GPS chips will also face customer -based demand. In the past, most GPS chips were in the automotive market.At present, GPS chip applications have begun to be used in mobile phones and PDAs, or special personal carrying devices, such as the tracker for the elderly and children.The GPS chip may also be integrated with other functions, such as Bluetooth, USB, etc.Therefore, more and more customized modules designed for special applications will also be increasing.At present, most of the global investment in GPS chip development is mostly with foreign manufacturers, such as Sirf, Ti, XEMICS, FreeScalc, STM and other large manufacturers have launched GPS chips. Among them, Sirf is the world's largest GPS chip manufacturer. The product line is quite complete and can provide a full range of series.Solution product.

GPSKnowledge descriptionGPS"Three -generation chip" knowledge

Recently, in GPS products, the so -called "three -generation chips" are often mentioned.However, neither merchants and users have clearly explained and understand, and even misleading and misunderstanding.Exchange your own experience and views with you.

1. GPS chip: There are currently three main chips on the international (common/more popular) GPS module (common/more popular) GPS module (common/more popular) GPS module (OEM board).

(1) American SIRF (SIRF)

(2) Sony (Sony Ericsson/Sony Ericsson) chip

(3) Swiss Nenem NEMERIX chip

2. The core of the third -generation chip:

The chip hardware is similar, but internal software plays a main role.The so -called core technology of the three generations is only to improve the software algorithm on the basis of the 2nd generation. It is like the formula for calculating the acceleration/speed in the primary and high school physics classes, but in the university's higher mathematics, the number of guides and points in the university to calculate the same acceleration/The physical problems (algorithms) of speed are different. The time used is very different. It reflects the difference between middle school and university, just like the 2nd and 3rd generations.The second is that the hardware also provides quality standards.

3. The main function of the three -generation chip software:

3 generations of chip software improvement upgrade: (1) Algorithm improvement improves the stars/positioning speed time.(2) Improve anti -interference performance, signal -to -noise ratio, and receive effective star numbers through software filters.(3) Some chip implementation software DR trace (rotation) calculation, improving anti -high -rise buildings, shade, underpass cover and tunnel function.(4) soft channel search, search to increase the number of channels for visual satellites (12-24), and can continue to position when personnel, vehicles, uphill, and posture changes, airplanes, and Ship star calendars changes.

4. Three -generation chip hardware improvement:

(1) The power consumption of the chip is reduced and the volume is reduced (compared with the 2nd generation).

(2) Improve anti -interference capacity, full shielding or dual chip separation.

5. GPS module and product:

gpsgpsEven wires, connectors, etc. look irrelevant components).

6, antenna is an important factor:

GPS antennas must be used in common GPS products such as handheld, PDA, Bluetooth, G-MOUSE, etc., regardless of active, passive, or even omniscient antenna, more than a dozen performance indicators, angle (except for 1600 maximum full antenna), DB of amplifiers, impedance range, material, anti-interference ability and module matching determine the performance of the entire product, and even 2-3 antennas (above and bottom) on the aircraft.position.In other words, the 3 -generation module is very good, and the antenna may not match the 2nd generation products.

7, number of channels:

Three stars are two-dimensional, 4 stars are three-dimensional positioning. This is the basic principle of GPS. We use 11-12 pieces on the ground (because the antenna is 160 degrees angle).) You can collect a few more (must be omnidirectional or more or more antennas), but it also takes 3-4 of the 3-4 signal and the nearest effective satellite for calculation positioning.Four channel positioning, a channel quickly search for all visual satellites, and compared with 4 of the effective stars, it is replaced by one of them, so that 4 strongest signal satellites are maintained.Therefore, the higher the passage, the better, the generally 12 are enough. What 16, 18, 20, 24 ... are soft channels, which reflect the number of visible satellites that can be searched for viewing satellites. It has no practical significance.

8. Induction (DB number):

The degree of induction of GPS receiving signal (-150-195DB) The standards of each manufacturer are not uniform, some are modules, some are modules contain antenna, some are the average, some are peaks (maximum value).Everyone's actual environment (electric field, magnetic field, high-voltage, microwave, geomagnetic ...) is very different. Therefore, the difference between this indicator is 3-5DB, which is not related to the order of order, but it is probably a approximate reference.

9. The obvious advantages of third -generation products (actual effects):

As long as the user needs to understand the specific technical indicators of the three -generation chip, it is more important to observe whether there is the following characteristics.

(1) Fast positioning time: Regardless of the cold start, Wen Qi, and the heat, the re-capture time is almost 5-30 seconds (compared to the second generation). In fact, most users are not worse than these ten seconds.

(2) High sensitivity: that is, in high -rise buildings, shade, underpass, cover files, Suidong, windows, cars, and even under the chassis of the car, you can quickly position more than 4 satellites.It is often said that it can be positioned a bit (single -star positioning), that is, "Give some Sunshine".

(3) Anti -interference performance: high -voltage lines, electric fields, magnetic fields, high -speed dynamics, microwaves, mobile phones, can still work properly in the environment of frequency interference.

(4) Low power consumption and power saving: reduce power consumption, and even have sleep state (static does not work), which can save power and improve product standby time.

(5) Small volume, good performance and price comparison: small volume and light weight. This is the needs and development trend of society, which can expand more application scope and field.In fact, the price of the three-generation chip should be the same as the second generation, or even lower, but the function is much improved. T-38 (16 channels, 3rd generations) 200-300 yuan/block.

GPS vehicle monitoring composition

The vehicle monitoring structure consists of a three -layer network comprehensive regulatory system formed by the vehicle terminal, the transmission network and the monitoring center to provide functions of vehicle anti -theft, anti -robbery, driving route monitoring, real -time wireless transmission of video images inside and outside the car, To solve the dynamic management of existing vehicles.

The vehicle monitoring uses a vehicle installation of the car video server with 3 to 4 cameras.The video server via EDGE/CDMA20001X/Wi-Fi network. The monitoring center can monitor and transmit real-time monitoring and transmission of images inside the vehicle. It also uses dual-order streaming technology. Local video uses D1 resolution. The network transmission uses CIF/QVGA/QCIF to distinguish the resolutionRate, realize local coding storage and remote storage.

The main composition of the vehicle monitoring system is divided into: vehicle terminal (vehicle video server), monitoring center, transmission network, etc.

GPS vehicle monitoring system working principle

1As well asGPSThe vehicle monitoring system consists of three parts: car host, server and client.The car host is mainly through the global satellite positioning system of the United States (GPS) To determine the position of the mobile target, upload data through the mobile communication network and the global Internet, the server receives positioning data and stores it. The client access the server to extract maps and vehicle positioning information through the global Internet access server.

2, Installed on the vehicleGPSThe receiver calculates the current location of the vehicle based on the received satellite information.GPSExtract the position, speed and time information required in the signal output of the receiver, combine information such as the vehicle identity, and other information to form a data packet, and then through the mobile operatorsGPRSThe network is sent to the monitoring center.The server of the monitoring center receives the data sent by the vehicle machine and extracts the positioning information from it. According to the vehicle number and group number of each vehicle, it is displayed on the electronic map of the monitoring center.At the same time, the system administrator of the control center can inquire about the operating conditions of each vehicle and reasonably dispatch the vehicle according to the traffic flow.

3The principle of the vehicle monitoring system determines that the system needs to rely on three networks to run reliable: the global satellite positioning system in the United States, China Mobile, China MobileGPRSThe global Internet network based on different operators.

4The vehicle monitoring management system consists of the vehicle machine and the monitoring and dispatch center. The information transmission depends on the public public network system. It does not need to be established alone, and also saves a lot of maintenance funds.

5, Vehicle Safety Monitoring Management System is inGSMOperation within the effective range of the public network, all car targets can be effectively tracking management within the scope of the network roaming range.GSMThe extension of technology will promote the simultaneous development of vehicle safety monitoring and management systems.The expansion of the network means the expansion of the actual tracking range.

6The vehicle safety monitoring management system adopts a multi -level architecture, which can be large or small. From groups to families, they can conduct various types of real -time tracking management of different natures for different overalls.The equipment is simple, the cost is moderate, and it is convenient to use.

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