How much is the price of Lingba Stone?
What is the price of Lingba Stone?
Because the quality of Lingba Stone is different, the price of Lingbi Stone of different quality is relatively large.300-500The price of the Lingbi stone with a good view of the ornamental is not fixed. If the shape is particularly unique or color and its special, the price of a single spirit stone requires tens of thousands of yuan.
Remarks: The above price comes from the Internet and is for reference only.
How to look at Lingba Stone worthless
The color of Lingbi Stone is one of the main factors that affect value.Generally speaking, the color of Lingba Stone is bright and can be consistent.For example, red is the most precious color, while white, gray and yellow are relatively cheap.
The purity of Lingbi Stone also affects its value.Generally speaking, the more pure Lingbiastones, the higher the value of it, because its color can look brighter and brighter.On the contrary, the spiritual stones with more impurities are relatively cheap.
The transparency is one of the important signs to measure gem quality.The high degree of transparency of Lingbi Stone will increase accordingly.Some spiritual stones may have subtle clouds, which will also affect its transparency and value.
The cutting work of Lingbi also has an important impact on its value.If the cut is fine and flawless, it can optimize the appearance and beauty of the gem to the greatest extent, thereby increasing its value.Therefore, cutting technology is also one of the important criteria for measuring the quality of Lingba Stone.
The weight of a spirit stone is also one of the factors that determine its value.Generally speaking, the heavier the spiritual stones, the value of its value increases accordingly.On the contrary, the price of lightweight Lingli Stone is relatively cheap.
6, Market demand
In addition to the quality factors of Lingba Shishi's itself, market demand is also an important factor affecting its value.If the demand for Lingbi Stone at a certain time is higher, its price will increase accordingly; on the contrary, the price will fall if the demand is low.
7, brand and history
Lingbi stone with historical and cultural backgrounds and classic brands is often more precious because they represent a cultural and historical heritage.In addition, the quality of these brands is also more guaranteed, so their prices will increase accordingly.
The last factor that affects the value of Lingba is its scarcity.The varieties with small output or difficult collection of Lingba are often more precious.For example, the prices of Lingba stone only collected in specific areas are often relatively high.