Articles in Tags Diving equipment

1. Introduction to Diving clothes

Subtaking, its main role is to maintain the body temperature of the divers and prevent accidental damage (because some jellyfish and corals are toxic).You can also show sunburn.Subtaking can be divided into dry diving and wet Diving clothes.As the name suggests, the dry type is waterproof, mainly in the cold zone.Wet type is not waterproof, but it can also keep the body temperature difficult to disperse.

2. How to choose Diving clothes correctly

1. Selection of the thickness of Diving clothes

Diving environment independent variables, Diving clothes for variables.Starting from the functions and functions of Diving clothes, because the main role of submersible is to keep warm, the thickness of the submersible is determined by the water temperature of the sea area.Generally speaking, the thickness of about 0.5mm-3mm is warm in the waters.The cool water temperature requires 5mm or more wet Diving clothes; the style selection is also determined by the diving environment, such as water temperature, marine biological types, etc. Generally speaking, there are three types of jellyfish, wet diving and dry Diving clothes.

2. Choose the right size

The technique of diving clothing is important to try on the size.After checking whether there are still some space after putting it on, if you can wear another piece of clothes, if this happens, you will not be able to keep warm;Too short trousers indicate that the Diving clothes are too small.

3. Diving fabric selection

Substitute purchase prompts, fabric selection is very important. Neoprene is commonly known as diving materials.Generally speaking, it is a synthetic rubber foam. It feels delicate, soft, and elastic, and has the characteristics of shockproof, insulation, elasticity, impermented, and impermented.Good weather resistance, oxygen resistance, self -extinguishing, good oil resistance, stretching strength, elongation rate, and excellent elasticity.

4. Diving clothes style selection

Site (tights) is suitable for wearing in tropical waters. After the water is out of water, it can protect you from the burns of sunlight, and it can prevent the waterproof mother bite. It is elastic and thin. It is similar to a swimming suit.Buy.Wet Diving clothes are the most common submersible. It has different tailoring design and thickness. Therefore, within the water temperature range of 10 C-20 C, it can provide appropriate insulation effects.Dry Diving clothes keep you dry and get good insulation.It is the best diving in leisure diving insulation, especially when the water temperature is lower than 10 C, it is even more useful, but its price is also more expensive.