1. Who invented the first Telescope in the world
In 1608, Hans Lippershey, Midelburg, the Netherlands, created the world's first Telescope.Once, the two children played with a few lenses in front of Li Poore's shop. They watched the trend in the distant church through the two lenses before and after, and they were highly high.Li Populia picked up two lenses and looked at it, and the turbines in the distance were enlarged a lot.Li Poor ran back to the store and put two lenses in a Tube. After many tests, Hans Lee Polm invented the Telescope.In 1608, he applied for a patent for the Telescope he made and followed the requirements of the authorities.It is said that dozens of Telescope glasses in the town claim that the Telescope has been invented, but it is generally believed that Hans Lipor is the inventor of the Telescope.
The news of the Telescope invented quickly spread in European countries. After the news of Italian scientist Galileo learned the news, it made one.The first Telescope can only enlarge the object by 3 times.One month later, the second Telescope he made can be enlarged by 8 times, and the third Telescope can be magnified to 20 times.In October 1609, he made a 30 -fold Telescope.Garri used a self -made Telescope to observe the night sky. For the first time, the surface of the moon was discovered, covering the mountains and the cracks of the crater.Since then, the four satellites of Jupiter and the sunspot movement of Jupiter have been discovered, and the conclusion of the sun is turning.

Second, astronomical Telescope isWho invented
Almost at the same time, German astronomer Capeller also began to study the Telescope. He proposed another astronomical Telescope in "Kither". This Telescope consists of two convex lenses. Unlike Galileo's Telescope, it is wider than Galileo's visual field.But Capeler did not create the Telescope he introduced.This kind of Telescope produced for the first time from 1613 to 1617. He also created a third convex mirror with a third convex mirror in accordance with the suggestion of Cairple.EssenceSaisa made 8 Telescopes and observed the sun one by one. No matter which one can see the same shape of the sun sunspots.Therefore, he dispelled many people who thought that sunspots might be the illusion caused by the dust on the lens, and proved that the sunspots were indeed observed.When observing the sun, Shanya was equipped with a special Shading glass, and Galileo did not add this protection device. As a result, he hurt his eyes and was almost blind.In order to reduce the color difference between the refraction Telescope in the Netherlands, the color difference between the refraction Telescope made a Telescope with a length of nearly 6 meters in 1665 to explore the halo of Saturn. Later, it made a nearly 41 -meter -long Telescope.
Third, who was invented by reflecting Telescope
In 1793, William Herschel, the system made a reflective Telescope with a diameter of 130 cm in the diameter and made of copper tin alloy, weighing 1 ton.
In 1845, the reflex Telescope made by William Parsons in Britain, with a diameter of 1.82 meters.
In 1917, Hooker Telescope was completed in Wilson Observatory, California, USA.Its main reflexive diameter is 100 inches.It was using this Telescope that Edwin Hubble discovered the amazing fact that the universe was expanding.
Fourth, who invented the refractive Telescope
In 1930, the German Bernhardschmidt will reflect the advantages of refraction Telescope and reflecting Telescope (the refractive Telescope image is small but the color difference and the larger the size, the more expensive the reflected Telescope, the low cost, and the reflex mirror can be made very large.But the existence) combined into the first reflection Telescope.
After the war, the reflective Telescope developed rapidly in astronomical observations. In 1950, a Hale reflecting Telescope was installed on the Paloma Mountain.
In 1969, a 6 -meter -diameter reflex mirror was installed on Mount Pastulfv in the former Soviet Union.
In 1990, NASA sent the Hubble Space Telescope into the track. However, due to the mirror fault, the Hubble Telescope did not fully play its role until 1993 that the astronauts completed the space repair and replaced the lens.Because it can not be disturbed by the atmosphere of the earth, the image clarity of the Hubble Telescope is 10 times that of the image of similar Telescopes on the earth.
In 1993, the United States built a "Kake Telescope" with a caliber of 10 meters on the Monakia Mountain in Hawaii. Its mirror was composed of 36 1.8 meters of reflectors.
In 2001, the European Southern Observatory in Chile developed the "Very Large Telescope" (VLT), which consists of 4 Telescopes with a diameter of 8 meters. Its conservation capacity is equivalent to a 16 -meter reflected Telescope.
On June 18, 2014, the top of Cerro Amazones, Chile, was used to place the world's largest power Telescope "European Grand Astronomy" (English abbreviation E-art).Salo Amazon is located in the Atacama Desert with an altitude of 3,000 meters.E-In the Eye of the world, the "largest sky in the world", is nearly 40 meters wide and weighs about 2,500 tons. Its brightness is 15 times higher than that of a long-distance mirror, and its clarity is 16 times that of the Hubble Telescope.The Telescope costs 879 million pounds (about 9.3 billion yuan), which is expected to be officially put into use in 2022.
A group of Telescopes that were under construction began to impact the white giant brothers on the Monakia Mountain.These new competitors include the 30 -meter -caliber "Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), 20 -meter -caliber Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) and a 100 -meter -caliber (GMT).Overwhelming Large Telescope, referred to as OWL).Their initiative pointed out that these new Telescope can not only provide space pictures like a photo of the Hubble Telescope, but also collect more light.There are more understanding and see the planets around the distant stars.