Traffic police reflective raincoat introduction Police reflecting raincoat cleaning and storage method
What is a traffic police reflective raincoat
The traffic police reflector raincoat is based on the existing raincoat structure. On the front and rear body and shoulder symmetrical parts or other parts, the safety symbol made of strong reflective materials is set.As a result, the raincoat can produce a dazzling reflex light under the irradiation of street lights or Lights and natural light to remind the vehicle alertness to achieve safety.When the rainy weather is not good, the traffic police reflecting raincoat play a role in traffic safety protection.
Traffic police reflective Raincoats have the characteristics of high safety factor, convenient and practical, good waterproof effect, comfortable and dry.
Traffic police reflective raincoat action principle
Because the traffic police reflective raincoat uses the structure of a reflective strip on the surface of the raincoat. When riding a bicycle in the rainy night, the Lights of the cars driving in all directions are on the reflective strip, reflecting the eye -catching light, reminding the driver of the car in time, and avoiding it. It can be avoided.Traffic accidents occur.
Traffic police raincoat washing
1. Traffic police reflective raincoat staincleaning method
a. The traffic police reflecting raincoat is washed and should not be soaked for a long time. It can be washed with a soft brush with a soft brush. It is most suitable to wash it with water.If you are contaminated with oil, you can apply a small amount of soap, laundry fluid, detergent, etc., and rinse it in time with water. Do not scrub with boiling water. Note that you should avoid scrubbing at the reflector.
b. Remember not to use acidic or alkaline solutions. Police waterproof protective clothing generally use neutral cleaning agents to clean.Because most of the police protective clothing uses a film Oxford cloth to prevent corrosion aging.
c. Police waterproof protective clothing is cleaned with neutral solution, then rinsed with a lot of water, and dried directly. Do not use the dehydrator to dry to prevent the exposure.
2. Traffic police reflective raincoatstorage method
a. When the reflective raincoat is wet, remember not to expose or heat and dry it in the sun, let alone dry it indoors. It should be placed in a cool and ventilated place to dry or dry.
b. When storing, it should be two meters away from the thermal source (steam duct stove, etc.) to prevent the aging and deterioration of heat, and be careful to avoid excessive folding reflux bars.
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