Blueberry seedlings breeding regulations for potted blueberry planting conditions and methods
Blueberry seedlings breeding regulations for potted blueberry planting conditions and methods
Seedling process
1, Use organizational training methods to cultivate half -high blueberry and short -cut blueberry seedlings:
(1) Basic medium:WPM ZT (0.5~1.0mg/L) IBA0.05 mg/L)Essence
(2) Start training: use the tip of the stem or stem, use75%Alcohol sterilization30S, Use again0.1%Sterilization of mercury8Min, Then rinse it with sterile water five times, inoculate to the medium, light16H, Light intensity2000 ~ 3000Lex, temperaturetwenty threeAround .
(3) Proliferation and training: After the seedlings are full of seedlings, they are repeatedly transferred until the required number is required.
(4) Evaluation: The bottle seedlings are good, the color is normal, and the infection rate is controlled5%Inside, the quantity is moderate, which is qualified.
2, Transplanting:
(1) Three days after the seedlings are refined, cut into a contract3Cm stem section, use800Double bacterial spirit and root powder soak10minAfter that, transplant it into the seedling plate filled with water moss, and the temperature is controlled15~28, humidity70~90%, Ding the Shading net until the stem section is rooted.Everywhere15Spray once800Domobacterial and rooting fluid.
Move in after rooting1213In the nutritional bowl of centimeters, seedlingspHValue control4.5Left and right, at the same time1/4The left and right sawfo or pine needles.
(2) Management: Moderate watering every day, observe the condition and insects, and prevent timely prevention.
(3) Assessment: rooting rate70%, The survival rate after rooting90%For qualification.
(4) After the root system is full of nutritional bowl, you can move into the field.
Several conditions of potted blueberry planting:
1,soilpH: Blueberries can grow healthy in an acidic medium and cultivate soilpHValue4.5~5.5The most suitable for blueberry growth.GardenpHGenerally6~7Between the acidic soil sold by the flower and bird market,pHThe lowest value is also there is also5.5~6between.Generally, sulfur powder is used to adjust sulfur powder, and one gram of sulfur powder is added per liter can make the soilpHDecrease1There are also individual varieties that have little requirements for acidicity, but they are not as good as planted under acid soil.
2Cold storage: The so -called cold storage volume is the normal flowering result of blueberries generally requires lower than7.2The low temperature duration of .The classification of blueberry varieties is mainly based on cold storage.The cold storage is not enough, even if it is blooming, it will not bear fruit.(PS: In the above classification, suitable areas are for reference only. For example, many places in high mountains in the southern areas are also suitable for the planting of the northern high -crow blueberry.Cure
3Fertilizer: Blueberry is suspected of fat and calcium. In planting, it is generally added with rotten beef, sheep, rabbit manure or rotten soil in the early stage of planting.A small amount of topdressing is still necessary.Avoid big fatWell, wiseGenerally, the content is used1: 1: 1Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium Compound fertilizer, or ammonium sulfate1: 2000Double solution.Also pay attention to stay away from calcium, such as some people often put eggshells in Flower pots.
4Watering: Blueberries are wet, but they need to be loose and breathable soil. Therefore, the water permeability of the soil must be good. When the temperature is high, it may need to be watered once in the morning and evening.After I tried to plant Beigao to friends in Guangdong, proper watering can make blueberries resist high temperature and safe in summer.
5Light: The needs of blueberries for light are the same as other plants, which is essential.;;Compared with the same variety, if the light intensity is not enough, the flower buds will be less and the fruit quality will be reduced. For orchards with excessive cultivation density, proper trimming will be conducive to photosynthesis.For the balcony terrace, the light management of blueberries is simpler than the orchard, but it should be paid attention to ventilation.
It is recommended that it is better to place Nantai platform
6Following: The pollination of blueberries is a vital level. Most of the blueberries are heterogeneous pollination.Gaopya blueberries can be solidly, while rabbit eyes blueberries and low -cut blueberries generally need to be configured with pollination trees.The structural characteristics and pollen viscosity of the blueberry floral ware, the pollination is mainly done by insects.It is generally believed that the wings of the Hornets can vibrate, which can vibrate pollen, and the variety of corollas is not easy to pick powder. Therefore, the plantation garden mainly relies on rejuvenating pollination.Artificial pollination, you can lightly dip the pollen with a brush;;A friend uses a hair dryer to pollinate, and the effect is also very good. It can be seen that the sufficient amount of wind can also play a good role in pollination.
7Cold anti -prevention: short and semi -high -high blueberries have strong cold resistance, but due to different low temperatures in various places, there are still frost damage in extreme weather. The most important of which are the end of the open -air winter branches and flower buds.EssenceTherefore, the cultivation and wintering protection in cold areas are also important measures to increase production.
Personal test: South High variety -Sharp Blue, Mist,2013Frozen2014In the spring of the spring in Shandong, the freezer of the sun, the freezing damage occurs in the sun1In the end of the month-2In the beginning of the month, the top of the branches3-4Flower buds were frozen, the sun was frozen to death, and no freezing damage occurred in the cold shed.
8Potted plants: In the more compact and golden cities, blueberries are mainly potted. Almost all blueberries are suitable for potted plants.The terrace should also pay attention to the appropriate varieties of height and height, so that the Flower pot moves.