[GPS positioner tracker] How to install the installation method of automobile GPS positioner, how to install the GPS locator
[GPS positioner tracker] How to install the installation method of automobile GPS positioner, how to install the GPS locator
The installation method of car GPS positioner
Many novices for the first contact with the GPS locator of the car, which is unknown to the installation of GPS, which has led to the disorderly installation, causing the product function to be incompletely realized, or the accuracy of the positioning is not as described as the manufacturer, which affects the wiring problem.What to do if you can't wiring.There are the most comprehensive introductions below.
1. Finding method of power cord
The electric source line is generally found in the inside of the decorative board under the steering wheel and the central electrical box wire beam. It is directly connected to the positive electrode of the battery when conditions permit.The DC voltage of the normal work of the car is 10 ~ 36V.The power cord has electricity in any state in any state.
Finding method: Pull out the key, find the thickest thicker, use the test light (or test pen) to use one end of the iron, and the other end to test on the connector of the line.If the test Lights are always bright, it means that the line is the power cord.
2. Finding method of ACC signal line
The ACC line is generally found in the inside of the decorative board under the steering wheel and the central electrical box line.The ACC signal line is the main basis for the host to determine whether the vehicle is in a starting state.
Finding method: Find a thicker line in the ignition switch line, use the test light to use the iron end to the iron, and the other end is tested on the connector of the line: when the ignition switch is hit to the "ACC" or "ON" file, the test Lights are bright;After turning off the ignition switch, the test light is destroyed. This connection is the ACC line.
3. Finding method of turning to the light line
The turning light line is generally found in the inside of the decorative board under the steering wheel, the central electrical box line beam, and the left and right front door inside line.Most models are left and right lines, but there are also very few models divided into four lines of front, rear, left, and right.
Finding method: Because the colors of the left and right Lights of small lamps, brake Lights, and reversing Lights are the same, they can be combined at the front and rear Lights to compare the color of the left and right lines to find the turning light line to see its color and size.Find the same color line.Use one end of the test light to take the iron and the other end on the line. When turning on the left or right turning light switch, use the test lamp to try this line.Light line.The other way to find the light line is the same.
Note: The turning light lines of some models (the turning light controlled by the module) cannot be confirmed on the wire beam under the switching of the turning light, and it can only be found in the same way in the central electrical box wire beam and the left and right front door beams.For models controlled by the front and rear turning Lights, it is recommended to connect the lines of the rear turning light to the line of the original car.This wiring method is settled by defense, and only the back to turn on when the defense can be turned on.
4. Finding method of the brake line
The brake line can be found at the brake light switch above the foot brake.
Finding method: Find the brake light switch, use one end of the test light to use the iron, and the other end at the switch joint.One of the lines should be constant electricity, and the other has electricity after stepping on the foot brake, and the line that has no electricity after loosening the foot brake is the brake wire.
5. Finding method of oil -breaking wires
The car oil wires are connected in the oil pump positive line.The characteristic of the positive line of the oil pump is that the ignition switch is hit to the "ON" gear. When the vehicle is not started, the line has a short period of time for 2 to 3 seconds, and then returned to the initial state of the powerless.For positive electricity.The purpose of the original car design is that before the engine starts, there is a standard oil pressure in the oil pipe, but it also prevent the ignition switch from being in the "ON" file for a long time, and the vehicle is not started to burn the oil pump.Oil pump positive lines can generally be found in the fuel tank, left or right front door beam, and central appliance box.
Finding method: Find a thicker thread in the online beam, use one end of the test light to use the iron, and the other end to test on the connector of the line.When the ignition switch is hit to the "ON" file, and the vehicle is not started, the line has a short time positive electricity for 2 to 3 seconds, and then returned to the initial state of the non -electricity;The root line is the positive polar line of the oil pump.
6. Finding method of Akmen signal line
The tailgate signal line is connected to the tail gate control switch line. This line can be found in the rear tail box, left or right front door line.Generally, vehicles have two wiring methods: positive and negative trigger.When the tailgate is turned on, the tailgate trigger line is positive electricity. When the tailgate is turned off, the tailgate trigger line is not electrical.When the tailgate is opened, the tailgate trigger line is grounded. When the tailgate is turned off, the tailgate trigger line is a positive electrical situation.
Finding method: Find the tailgate trigger line at the tailgate trigger switch, see the color and size, and then use the test light to use the iron end to the iron, and the other end is tested on the connection of the line to see if it is triggered or triggered.Then in the inside of the car, find the same color line, use one end of the test light to set up the iron, and test the line on the other end on the connector of the line.
7. Finding method of the side door signal line
The side door signal line is connected to the door control switch line.You can be found in the left and right front door beams.The original car door control switch line has two trigger methods: positive trigger and negative trigger.In addition, the original door control switch line also has two types of wiring methods: the four door control switch line connects the traditional wiring method and uses module control.Way.
Finding method: For the traditional wiring method connected to the four door control switch lines together, it can be directly connected to a single door control switch line.Look at the color and size of the door control switch line at the door control switch, and then find the same color line in the front door line.Use one end of the test light to take the iron, and the other end is tested on the connection of the line: When the side door is opened, the side door trigger line is electric. When the side door is turned off, the side door trigger line has no electricity.When the side door is opened, the side door trigger line is grounded. When the door is closed, the trigger line of the side door is a negative trigger.
For models controlled by modules, they are divided into two types of old models without original vehicle anti -theft remote control and new models with original car anti -theft remote control.The model without the original car anti -theft remote control can be connected to the control ground line connecting the indoor light to the control module.When the door is open, the indoor light is turned on by controlling the module when the door is turned on; when the door is turned off, the line is not grounded after the interior Lights are extinguished by about 20 seconds.A model with the original car anti -theft remote control should be installed with four diode (1N4001) connected to the four side door switch lines.The secondary pipe positive poles are connected to the side door signal line of the car, and the negative poles of the diode are connected to the four door control switch lines.
The voltage on the door control switching line is low. It is necessary to measure it with a multimeter and test Lights at the same time, and the results obtained are relatively clear.
8. Finding method of speaker cable
The speaker cable can be found in the inside of the panel, the central electrical box line and the horn under the steering wheel.There are four ways to connect the original car horn.
A turn off the ignition switch speaker can still be sounded, and the speaker relay controls the speaker cable (positive, negatively triggers to select one);
B The ignition switch speaker can still be rang, and the speaker relay controls the speaker ground line (negative trigger);
C can only press the ignition switch speaker to press the sound.
D can only press the ignition switch speaker, and the speaker relay controls the speaker ground wire