How to choose skiing single -board fixed device installation method steps for single board fixed angle
1. What is a Ski board fixed device
The fixed device is an important part of connecting skiing boards and Ski boots, which plays an important protective role in the personal safety of the Ski.The fixed device is divided into two parts, and the screws are fixed on the skiing plate directly. The front fixed device cannot be moved. The rear fixed device can move along the Ski board to adapt to the Ski boots of different sizes.
2. How to choose the angle of the single board fixed device
The angle of the single board fixed device is selected to adjust according to the type of the Skiboard veneer used in the position and used:
1. Choose according to the position
(1) Takayama Station
It is used for racing narrow boards, one -way gliding (the tail is Square), hard shoes, the angle of the front and rear feet fixers is between 35 degrees and 70 degrees.Generally, the anterior foot angle is 5 degrees larger than the rear anon to maintain the good control of the board when the small curve is maintained.
(2) Ahead
Freedom or chase boards are commonly used.The front fixed angle is 15 degrees to 40 degrees, and the posterior fixed angle is 0 degrees to 30 degrees.From the perspective of human structure, the angle difference between the front and rear fixers should not exceed 21 degrees.A commonly used mountain sliding angle configuration is 6 degrees after the first 21 degrees. If you like to slip, you can choose the first 30 degrees and 15 degrees.
(3) Duck standing position
The angle configuration of the common fixed device in the domestic ski resort is generally 0 ~ 30 degrees of the front fixers, and the rear fixers -1 ~ -20 degrees.Under this position, when you stand naturally, the front and rear knees are facing the head and the tail of the plate, and the shoulders are parallel.From the perspective of human structure, the angle difference between the front and rear fixers should start at least 10 degrees. The common configuration is the first 18 and the rear -6, or the front 15 and 15.
2. Select according to the type of Skiboard
(1) Running board (hard shoe plate)
The racing board is relatively narrow, and the angle has a lot to do with the size of the shoes.The general selection principle is to set first and then fixor angle: let the toes go out a little bit, and the heel has just fallen on the blade, so that it is convenient to put pressure on the board blade.As for the angle of the front fixed device, you can start from the perspective of the fixed fixed device 8 degrees. You can feel, adjust, and select the most comfortable configuration.
For the racing board, the angle of the fixed device is too small means that the body needs to be twisted significantly when doing large smoothness.(This sentence is not loyal to the original text.If the angle of the fixed device is too large, the carving blade is fine, but it is more difficult to control in the case of small bend or even medium.
(2) Free board or chasing board (soft shoe plate)
You can choose duck -like standing positions or forward positions according to your personal preference. No matter what kind of standing position you choose, your knees are in the direction of the fixed device as much as possible.Standing and practicing Japanese style is particularly safe).
The benefits of duck -like standing positions are easy to naturally squat, reduce the center of gravity, and improve stability, and on the other hand, it is easy to practice back.Standing forward, the knees are facing the direction of the fixed device, the sight naturally towards the head of the head, which is relatively more suitable for taxiing.
Third, the installation method of skiing single board fixed device
1. Comb with the posterior fixed device and snow rake together to form a flat connection.
2. Open the lock button of the front fixed device, enter the front fixer from the front of the slide and lock it.
3. Open the lock button of the fixed fixed device, part into the combination of snow rake and rear fixers from the slide rail, and lock it.
4. Find the size of the shell of the snow shoe, and adjust the position of the fixed fixed position before the shell size.
5. Step the snow shoes into the fixed device and try whether it is appropriate. The appropriate standard is to just hold the snow shoes, and the snow shoes will not shake.
6. Adjust the DIN value according to personal circumstances.
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