How to choose the appropriate size fishing hook of the model and size of the fishing hook
1. The model and size of the fishing hook
fishing hooks are often called Fish hooks. There are many models, and each model also has different sizes. The size and strength of different Fish hooks are different. Let me briefly introduce the common fishing hook models and size.
fishing hooks can be divided into various models such as Tianpingzi, Shinkansen, improved Shin Kong, Guan Fu Qianya, Qianyou, Kobe, Isey, Isey, Ilou, and other models., 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 to 10. The larger the size of the fish hook, the more suitable for fishing.
2. How to choose the appropriate size fishing hook
During the fishing process, the closest contact with the fish is the fish hook. The choice of the size of the fish hook is one of the key to the success or failure of the fishing. So how to choose the right size of the fish hook?
The simple method of picking is: the size of the hook is the same as the size of the fish.Big fish uses large hooks, small fish use small hooks.However, different fish and water feelings should adjust the choice of Fish hooks on the basis of adapting:
1. The impact of the season, in the early winter and spring, the mobility of the fish is weak, and the choice of Fish hooks should be small; when fishing for about one or two catfish, the No. 2 Sleeve hook in summer and autumn should be selected in winter.Essence
2. Different target fish have a large difference in physical and activity ability. The struggle power after the fish is different. Generally speaking, when fishing and quietly hook the catfish, choose a hook.It should be small; carp, grassfish and violent catfish with strong fishing and strong activity ability, the hook should be slightly larger.The wild fish is strong, and the hook should be slightly larger.
3. The softness and hardness of the fish lips are different, and the size of the hooks is different. Catfish, carp, etc. are soft lip fish. This type of fish is small or small;Hooks are slightly larger and thicker than soft lips; black fish is a hard lip, and large hooks must be used.
4, the fast fish hook is slightly larger, the slow fish hook is slightly smaller; the raw fish hook is slightly larger, and the sliding fish hook is slightly smaller; the fishing float can be slightly larger, and the fishing bottom can be slightly smaller.
5. When using the product bait, choose the hook and be small, and the hooks can be slightly larger when using insect bait.When the bait does not cause the fish to eat the fish worse, the hook should be small.
In general, choosing a fish hook should be adapted to local conditions. This targeted choice will not affect the swallowing of the fish because of the huge hook, nor the big fish pulls a straight fish hook to escape.