The storage method of down sleeping bag

After waking up Outdoor wild camps, you can store the down sleeping bag.First of all, the air in the down sleeping bag is fully released, which is not only conducive to not bloated during folding, but also plays a certain role in maintaining the down sleeping bag.

After confirming that the air of the down sleeping bag was dry, spread it flat on the ground, and then folded away from the tail.Hold both hands on both sides, and slowly put away along the front part of the sleeping bag.From the beginning, it has to be tightened, otherwise it is rolled behind, but it is getting more and more drum.

When you reach the head, press the rolled down sleeping bag with both hands, and then tie the strap on the sleeping bag.Put it in the packaging bag, or put it above the Backpack.It is best to wrap the bag first, so that it is not easy to be affected by the environmental climate and will not damage its temperature mark.After doing these three steps, a huge down sleeping bag became a small binding quilt on our Backpack.This kind of folding method can save the largest storage space.After all, when we trek outdoors, the less Outdoor equipment and size, the better.

How to correctly keep the down sleeping bag

1. Like many clothing, the down sleeping bag should not be baked. If there is a need to cook in the wild when Camping in the wild, be sure to move the sleeping bag to the distance to avoid contact with the flame.

2. When cleaning the down sleeping bag, it is strictly forbidden to use a strong detergent. When used, it can be used with cotton Sleeping bags, and the life will be longer.

3. Plel Sleeping bags should not be in the compressed bag for a long time. If there are conditions, they should often flip the down sleeping bag and save as much as possible in a loose and free state to avoid the knot.

4. In the use of Sleeping bags, you should pay attention to keeping dry. Because the degree of warmth of the down sleeping bag is greatly reduced, the Backpack should be protected to avoid water in the rain in heavy rain or water.

5. When not in use, put it in a dedicated storage bag, put it in a cool and ventilated and dry place to prevent mold and smelly.

6. Do not need to clean the down sleeping bag frequently, and the frequent washing of the transition will damage the down material of the sleeping bag. Therefore, please minimize the number of washing times while keeping cleaning.

7. When Camping in the wild, after getting up in the morning, you can turn the sleeping bag out of the morning and place it on the top of the Tent or dry, ventilated, and sunlight.

8. The down of the down sleeping bag fabric has a waterproof or waterproof function, but if the weather is extremely humid on the way, please seal the sleeping bag with a plastic bag to avoid humid air into the sleeping bag.

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Tags: material characteristics, storage, outdoor products, sleeping bags, down

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