How to remove the hook glue how to remove the traces of the sticky hook
1. How to remove the hook glue
Usually use hook glue, and after a long period of time, the hook glue is removed. At this time, the hook rubber printing will appear in the fit part, which will affect the beauty of the fit part. At this timeIt is obvious, you can apply more, and then use a small shovel to linked the hook printing.
White vinegar contains organic solvents, which can dissolve the polymer ester in the hook glue, which can easily remove the hook glue.
When using white vinegar to remove the hook rubber printing, do not dosage too much. The acidity of white vinegar is harmful to the walls and other places. If you apply too much, it may destroy the material of the fit part and make it show other colors.
two,How to remove the traces of sticky hooks
If there is no white vinegar, you can actually use wind oil essence,Alcohol,acetone,Hand creamWhen it is replaced by items, the effect is similar, and it can be removed in time.
1. Wind oil essence
Pour the wind oil on the tissue and wipe the residue with a paper towel.
Pour some alcohol on paper towels (the best industrial alcohol, can also be medical alcohol), the method is the same as wind oil essence.
3,Patthon or nail washing water
The amount of acetone used in this method is small, and it can quickly remove the residual glue, which is easy to completely remove the residual glue, which is more troublesome.
4,Hand cream
Squeeze the hand cream on the residue, and slowly rub with your thumb, you can slowly rub the sticky stubborn glue, but this method is slow and laborious.