Method of water -soluble Fertilizer production

Facing the rapid development of water -soluble Fertilizers and large market demand, there are two types of water -soluble Fertilizer manufacturing, which are lower -end physical mixed and new production technology technology. The new process method is introduced here:

Equipment system: Strictly speaking, water -soluble Fertilizer has many production equipment systems, and there are raw materials crushing grinding systems debris screening system storage system computer proportional ingredient system raw material transportation part efficient mixed system finished delivery system finished quantitative packaging systemWait for these eight major system devices.

Water -soluble Fertilizer production equipment and facilities:

The first step is to crush raw materials and filter impurities.

The second step is to use the computer for accurate calculation according to the formula ratio, and then mix each grinding raw material.

The third step is to produce the heat method. Among them, the trace element is high -temperature chelating and the mix of a large amount of element can be better absorbed.

The fourth step is Fertilizer packaging. There is no technical content in these processes as long as the appropriate device is selected.

Constitution of water -soluble Fertilizer ingredients

1. A lot of elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen yuan are nitric nitrogen NO3-N, ammonium nitrogen NH4 -N, and nitrogen nita n-n. The phosphorus is water-soluble phosphorus P2O5, potassium is soluble potassium, and absorbs conversion and conversionA good effect of dihydrogen phosphate or potassium nitrate can be fully dissolved in water without impurities.

2. In the medium -sized element, there are appropriate medium -sized elements such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, calcium, boron, molybdenum, etc. in water -soluble Fertilizers.The quality of the crops.

3. Other substances, humus acids, amino acids, etc. are two common substances currently common in water -soluble Fertilizers. Water -soluble Fertilizers containing humic acid can improve soil plates and acidification problems and improve soil fertility; amino acid can better promote nutrients and fast fastness.Reasonable absorption.

How to apply water -soluble Fertilizer

As a new type of Fertilizer, water -soluble Fertilizers are not only diverse compared with traditional Fertilizers, but also very flexible.Water -soluble Fertilizer can be poured soil to allow the plant root to fully contact the Fertilizer; it can be sprayed with leaf surface, enters the interior of the plant through the leaf surface, and improves Fertilizer absorption and utilization.Essence

Advantages of water -soluble Fertilizer: First, water and Fertilizer are used to use water and Fertilizer, realizing the integration of water and Fertilizer, high fertilization efficiency, and reducing the total amount of fertilization, exerting the synergy of Fertilizer and water, so that the efficiency of Fertilizer and water use efficiency is the efficiency of the use of water and water.Obviously improved.Second, fast Fertilizer efficiency can solve the nutritional needs of high -yield crops.

Disadvantages of water -soluble Fertilizer: First, the price of water -soluble Fertilizers is generally higher, which is not conducive to popularization.Second, it is strong and difficult to save in the soil for a long time.The amount of Fertilizer should be strictly controlled. If it is used slightly, it will cause Fertilizer loss. It will not only reduce the economic benefits of fertilization, and do not achieve the purpose of high -yield and high -quality and efficient purposes. It will also cause pollution of the water environment and is not conducive to sustainable development.

Applying it is reasonable

A small amount of application is the most important principle of fertilization of water -soluble Fertilizers, which meets the characteristics of uninterrupted nutrients in the plant root system, and reduces the soluble losses caused by one -time large amount of Fertilizer.A small amount of multiple application is the most important reason for the high use of water -soluble Fertilizers.Generally, each acre is 3-6 kg.There are fewer seedlings, and the prosperity is more and more.

How to apply water -soluble Fertilizer

Pay attention to nutrients and balanced water -soluble Fertilizers usually applied, applied or applied through irrigation equipment.Especially under the condition of drip irrigation, the root system is large and dense, and the nutrient supply of the soil depends more on the nutrients provided by drip irrigation. The sandy soil is even more so, and it has higher requirements for the reasonable proportion and concentration of nutrients.If the Fertilizer formula is unbalanced, it will affect the growth of crops and produce a deficiency.

The most secure method in the production of safety is to test with a small amount of Fertilizer, and it is found that the concentration application is reduced when the leaves are harmful.Some large growers can buy handheld conductors to monitor the concentration of Fertilizers, which are more suitable for areas with high water and salt concentration.

Dilute calculation

Water -soluble Fertilizers and liquids are two types. No matter which one is used before use, the appropriate amount of water is needed to dilute the concentration of the Fertilizer.It is easy to block the droplets and spray heads, which affects the efficiency of the operation. It is best to quickly promote the dissolution of Fertilizer water.If a large amount of element with a specification of 5 kg is behind the water -soluble Fertilizer, it indicates that the diluted multiple is 600 times, that is, 5 600 = 3000 catties, that is, the amount of water is 3,000 catties, and the mixing after adding water can be evenly stirred.

Details depend on

The application method and amount of dosage are applied. The water -soluble Fertilizer is used to apply the most method. Generally, the amount of per mu is 5 kg.With a large highlight, drip irrigation not only greatly saves water resources, but also has more than 90%of the Fertilizer utilization rate, but also saves labor costs. It is the second largest way of use.Fertilizer is not too suitable, but if the crop does need some large amounts of elements to spray, this is similar to the spraying of Urea leaf surface.

How to apply water -soluble Fertilizer

Fertilization time should be selected before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon to avoid fertilizing under the strong shooting of the sun. It is best to avoid fertilizing fertilization, especially leaf Fertilizer. Do not apply on rainy days to reduce the loss of Fertilizer.fruit trees, such as grapes, pears, peaches, etc., are mostly fertilized during nutritional growth; melons, such as watermelon and melon, are mostly fertilized in the middle and late stages of growth; leafy vegetables and underground roots can be supplemented by fertilization during full fertility;Economic crops, such as rice, Wheat, cotton, etc., are applied in the middle and late stages of growth; flowers can fertilize nutrients during the fertility period.

Pay attention to you

Pay attention to the principle of slower fertilization, the slower, the better, especially for elements (such as phosphorus) with poor mobility in the soil, extending the fertilization time, which can greatly increase its utilization rate.Dripping fertilization during the dry season, it is recommended to complete it in 2-3 hours.The soil is short of water, and the faster the better, the better.

Avoid excessive irrigation generally keep the root layer depth of moistness. The deepness of the root layer is very different according to different crops. You can use a shovel to dig open the soil at any time to understand the specific depth of the root layer.Excessive irrigation not only wastes water, it will seriously wash the nutrients below the root layer, waste Fertilizer, and cause crop production to reduce production.In particular, Urea, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer (such as potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate calcium, nitro phosphorus Fertilizer, and water -soluble Fertilizer containing nitrate nitrogen) are extremely easy to lose with water.

Avoid the second dilution method to avoid direct application.Because water -soluble Fertilizers are different from ordinary compound Fertilizers, farmers cannot use regular fertilization methods, resulting in uneven Fertilizer, burning seedlings, and weak seedlings, and the second dilution ensure that the Fertilizer is uniform and improves the use of Fertilizer use.Rate.

Strictly controlling the amount of dosage and multiple times is the most important principle, which can meet the characteristics of non -intermittently absorption of nutrients.Water -soluble Fertilizer is higher than the general Compound fertilizer, and the amount of dosage is relatively small.Because of its high speed and difficulty in the soil for a long time, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of fertilization.

Tags: fertilizer, agricultural supermarket, agricultural-agricultural machinery-agricultural tools, agricultural vehicles, Chemical Fertilizer

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