Simulation Artificial lawn price

There are many types of artificial lawns.It is generally divided into casual lawns, sports lawns Two major categories EssenceCasual lawn is divided into again kindergarten casual lawn, decorative green lawn, etc.sports lawns are divided into football stadium lawn, blue stadium lawn, gaming lawn, golf course lawn, etc.In addition, there are many types of grass and grass height, ranging from dozen to tens of yuan.

The fundamental impact of the price of Artificial lawn is three points, the density, grass height, and Kibu of grass.The density of the grass refersX Weaving distance, needle distance refers 3/4 inch, 3/8 inch, 3/16 Inch; weaving refers to at the same pins, 1 There are several clusters of Miner.Generally speaking, the higher the density, the higher the quotation.Grass height refers to the height of the grass on the lawn. 10cm-60cm In between, the height and quotation of the grass are also proportional. The higher the height, the higher the quotation.

1. Straight Mao Grass: It is widely used and used for people, and the offer is low.Athletes such as tennis courts, basketball courts, football field Running and other athletes falling out of the sports environment with not too many opportunities for scratching.

2. Mao Mao Grass: Because the grass hair is twisted and folds each other, the athletes are relatively small on the grass hair, and they are mostly used in football places.

3 Mao curly grass: Grass hair is a circle type, which is more tightly folding each other. It is particularly used for grasshoppers or balls to roll on the turf.High exercise.Commonly known as: non -guided grass leather.

How much is a plastic lawn, one Square meter

The price per Square meter of the Artificial lawn is probably in about30-60 Between different grass height, density, turf, and gel back.The lawn is measured at the price per Square meter unit. It is understood that the price of the middle end of the Artificial lawn is 30-45 between, 30 The inferior Artificial lawn below the dollar is not recommended to buy.

The Artificial lawn is becoming more and more popular in my country, and foreign countries are also widely used in sports fields and days, especially some developed countries. Revoicing Artificial lawn is the first choice for sports places.Pa (nylon), is very similar to natural grass in appearance, and has a higher degree of similarity, so it is gradually tolerated by more people. So what are the characteristics of free -filled Artificial lawn to gradually become a new generation of Artificial lawn?The first is that in terms of manufacturing technology, the free -filling lawn still adheres to its movement function without filling particles and quartz sand. It requires high materials and manufacturing processes, involving the function and drainage of the lawn.Therefore, it is not more filled with Artificial lawn than to fill the Artificial lawn manufacturing process.Secondly, the later protection is simpler, free to fill the Artificial lawn does not need to fill the rubber particles and quartz sand, and there will not be the condition of the lack of rubber particles and being washed away by the rainfall of the Artificial lawn.It will affect the competition.

Tags: Artificial lawn, ground material

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