Shading coefficient is good or good

The smaller the sunshade coefficient, the better the performance of the sunlight to the indoor radiation.As the state's requirements for building energy conservation are getting higher and higher, as far as the requirements of building glass are concerned, the most important is the Shading (sung) coefficient SC (or SE) and the heat transfer coefficient K value (or U value).The hid coefficient of ordinary glass is about 0.9, so the glass should be processed on the surface, such as thermal reflex glass, low -radiation glass, etc., thereby reducing the shade coefficient.

glass shade coefficient concept description

1. The shade coefficient includes not only the sunlight (300nm-2500nm spectrum) penetrating the glass into the room, but also the energy of the secondary heat transfer of the glass.EssenceThe glass of the glass will absorb the energy of some sunlight, and its own temperature rises. At this time, the glass will be transferred to the room for the second time through radiation and convection.If there is a piece of tea -colored glass, the direct transmission ratio is 50%, and the total transmission ratio of the Solar light is 63%. So 13%of the amount of the glass is the secondary radiation after the glass absorption.

3. The value of the solar energy of the standard 3mm white glass is called the direction ratio, and the value of my country is 0.889, and the international is 0.87. It seems that this difference is not very large, but when it is involved in foreign construction projects involved There should be consensus.Example Calculate the shade coefficient SC = solar energy thermal coefficient (SHGC)/route ratio.When the SHGC is 0.818, the domestic calculation value is 0.92, while the overseas calculation results are 0.94.

3. The sunshade coefficient detects the full spectral energy of the Solar radiation, including ultraviolet light, visible light and near -infrared light in the 300nm ~ 2500nm band. These light shots can produce calories when entering the room.The smaller the sunshade coefficient, the less sunlight entering the room, the smaller the calories that can produce.Low shade coefficient does not directly mean that the visible light transmission rate is also low, because when maintaining the visible light transmission rate, reducing the transmission of near infrared can also reduce the shade coefficient.

4. The shade coefficient is a proportional value of a 3nm transparent glass, which does not mean that the sunlight of the sample glass is always transmitted.For example, when the shade coefficient of the glass is 0.5, it cannot be considered that this piece of glass can enable 50%of Solar radiation heat to enter the room. It should be understood that the Solar calories that the glass can pass through is 50%of the standard 3nm white glass.When the sunshade coefficient of the glass is 1, it means that the total direction ratio of the sunlight of this sample is equal to the standard 3nm white glass.When the shade coefficient is 0, it means that the sample cannot be directly passed through the Solar light through the sun, nor can it be transferred to the solar energy.

5. The heat controlled by the shade coefficient is not the same as the heat control of the heat transfer coefficient. The latter refers to the heat transfer caused by the temperature difference. The former is mainly aimed at Solar radiation.

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Tags: home textile-fabric-bedding, Shading, summer, glass

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