Introduction to one -time raincoat

Disposable Raincoats, simply a raincoat that cannot be used multiple times.Disposable Raincoats are relatively thin and are generally made of plastic.After use, it may occur, and the second time may not be performed.It cannot be compared with ordinary Raincoats in quality, but has certain advantages in other performance characteristics.Disposable Raincoats are generally widely used in water -playing projects, open -air stadiums, and mountaineering tourism in the playground.

The difference between disposable raincoat and ordinary raincoat

1. In terms of quality

In terms of quality, ordinary Raincoats are very good, and one -time raincoat cannot be compared with it.

2. Sizesuperior

In terms of size, disposable Raincoats are relatively small, folding up like a cigarette box, which is more convenient to carry, while ordinary Raincoats look bulky.


In terms of shape categories, there are many categories and patterns in ordinary Raincoats, and there are not many classifications and patterns of one -sex raincoat.

4. Functionsuperior

Ordinary Raincoats have more functions, and one -time Raincoats are relatively single; ordinary Raincoats can be repeatedly used for many times, and one -time raincoat can only be used several times.

The use of disposable Raincoats

It is mainly used for Outdoor adventure such as drifting. It is light and fast, easy to carry, and it is easy to discard after use. Another feature is that disposable Raincoats are much cheaper than usual Raincoats.In order to meet consumers' fast -paced demand for lifestyle, disposable Raincoats came into being, but one -time raincoat does not have an advantage in quality.It was broken, so a disposable raincoat was also weak.

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Tags: outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, tourist attraction landscape, outdoor sports, Rainy coat

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