On April 1, 2024, the new version of "outdoor sports Clothing charge" was officially implemented (GB-T 32614-2023).Compared with the old standards that have been implemented in 2017, the new national standard of charge has improved the requirements of indexes such as humidity, abrasion resistance, and color fastness, and added or clarified indicators such as safety, color difference, and static water pressure.

In terms of the dampness performance of the charge, the new national standard has improved the requirements: For the level I jacket, the moisture transparency rate is 5000 before washing and the 4000 after washing to the before and after washing. 3000, after washing 20000 increased to 4000 before and after cleaning.In terms of abrasion resistance of charge fabrics, the new national standard has also adjusted the outer material from the old standard upper and lower installation 10000 times to the upper installation 10000 times and the lower installation 15,000 times.The opponent's ability to maintain color after sun exposure, the new national standard increases the light -resistant dark color indicator in half, and increases from level 3 to 3-4.

In order to promote the green and environmental protection of the product, the new standard also added the detection of related fabrics that claim to use fluoride -free finishing products to ensure the safety of the related products.The new standard has increased the requirements for color differences on the problem of "severe coloring after cleaning", and the color difference after washing is 4.In addition, the new standard also stipulates that children's clothing should comply with the requirements of national compulsory standards "Safety and Technical Specifications for Infants and Children's Textile Products", which comprehensively improves the safety of children's products.

Tags: outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, Chongtong, Focus on the industry, standard-new rules

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