What are the classification of landscape landscape landscape?

Landscape lampdefinition

Landscape lights are also called decorative lighting, which are both ornamental and lighting.

Landscape lampBrief introduction

Pay attention to the design of trails and courtyard lamps.

The trail and the courtyard Lights are actually a combination of two types of lamps. The garden Lights focus on the landscape, and the trail light focuses on functionality. The two can have separated their own systems separately, but after consideration, the two are combined together and attributed to the conclusionFor trail garden light series.

Landscape lampClassification

There are many classifications of landscape lamps. It can be divided into street lights, ground foot Lights, trails and courtyard Lights, high rod lamps, low -level (lawn) lamps, projection lamps (pan -light, small projection Lights), street light pole decorative Landscape lights, Lights, Lights, lightsSmall lamps, lower Lights, buried Lights, wall lamps, underwater Lights, embedded Lights, fiber optic lighting systems, Solar lamps, etc.

Trail garden lampdesign

In the design of the trail garden light, pay attention to the following problems:

1 , Most of the Lantern Lights of the Trails exist in the form of man -shot lightDifferent from the light -shot light and direct light, it will not produce too much shadow, making the color brighter and darker.However, an important problem that the lamp in the form of light -shot light needs to be solved is that the surface temperature of the luminous body is too high.Judging from the popular trail garden Lights on the market, few products can solve such problems.

2 Calculation of elevation angle and shoulder distance.Calculation of elevation angle and shoulder distanceIt can achieve a good balance between functional and landscape effects. For example, if the design of the elevation angle is considered, it can better reflect the role of the landscape and meet the needs of people in terms of function.

Tags: home ornaments, garden landscape, outdoor lights, lighting, Landscape lights

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