1. What is a gliding umbrella coach

Many friends have participated in the gliding umbrella experience, that is, a two -person flight, and a coach takes you to play gliding umbrellas, but in fact, the coach of the two -person umbrella with the coach is not a gliding umbrella coach in the strict sense.The coach of the two -person flight and teaching ability, and has a gliding umbrella coach permit.

2. What are the conditions for gliding umbrella coaches?

In the broad sense, the scroll umbrella coach includes coaches holding a double umbrella certificate. Relatively speaking, the conditions are not so harsh.

1. Coach holding a double umbrella (flying with passengers)

Generally, it is required to complete the flight practice on the basis of completing the A -level, B -level, and C -level courses of single umbrellas, and during the period, after accumulating rich single -person flight experience, two -person umbrella flight exercises will be started.There is no time interval between the C and the double umbrella certificate. On the basis of the C certificate, you can apply for a double umbrella assessment class. After passing the double umbrella exam, you can obtain the double umbrella flight permit.

2. The coach holding the coaching permit (can teach others to fly)

The C -certificate is 3 years, and it can apply for a coaches based on the two -person umbrella certificate. It also requires a proof of the application of a glide umbrella in the appraisal of the scroll umbrella assistant.Get the coaching permit.

Before the second half of 2020, the C certificate and double umbrella certificate assessment of the gliding umbrella were no longer the past 40 places in the country in the past, so there were very few skins in the gliding umbrella.Once a year, 50 places each time are relatively more.

3. How to take the gliding umbrella coach certificate

After obtaining the skilled permit of the gliding umbrella, you are qualified to be qualified to teach the trainees.

1. Registration: To meet the relevant conditions, you can register at the China Airlines Association.

2. Training: In the past, it was a training course organized by the China Airlines Association. Now it can be organized by provinces to organize themselves.

3. Exam: Participate in the exam organized by the China Aviation Association, and the coaching certificate is issued after passing the exam.

Tags: outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, outdoor sports, Global umbrella, research

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