1. What is the difference between the pole and the rock fishing rod

1. Different appearance

The wire rings of the front pole are relatively small, and the angle of the forward tilt is large.The wire rings of the rock fishing rod are relatively large. Although it is also tilted forward, the angle is relatively small.The front of the same size is much lighter than the rock fishing rod, and the pole is slightly softer than the rock fishing pole.The front rod is usually equipped with a front wheel, and the rock fishing rod is equipped with a spinning wheel.

2. Differences

When you hit the sea in front, it is usually used for fishing at vertical hooks or offshore in the pier and anti -wave embankment. You do nt need to float during fishing. Just look at the pole a little movement, so the pole is slightly soft and eye -catching.

When the rock fishing rod is fishing, it is mainly used for floating royal fishing, which can be thrown in the middle and close range, so the pole body is harder and the wire ring is large. It is usually equipped with Abo.When the rock fishing rod is used for freshwater fishing, it can be equipped with a Taiwan fishing line group, but because the rod is heavier, it is not suitable for the frequency, and is usually used for big fish.

3. Different fishing method

The fishing method in front refers to the fisherman standing on the embankment with a relatively steep position but a hidden underwater obstacle, and gently put the bait to the offshore not far away.fish attracted the fish in the gap between the embankment or hidden in the gap of the waves of the embankment came to predate.

The fishing rod method of Fishing rods is not limited to one type, including the front vitality method, the far -reaching method, the left -side line method, the right -side line method, and so on.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the pole in front

In the previous article, a simple contrast between the pole and the rock fishing rod is made, so there will be a deeper understanding of the previous pole, such as the advantages and disadvantages of the pole.

1. The advantages of the front pole are light, good waist strength, medium fish, good feel.

2. The disadvantage of the front pole is troublesome, metal conductors, poor quality, easy to wound.

Tags: fishing, outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, fishing rod

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