What are the types of tents of the outdoor sky curtain tent?
1. Outdoor sky -to -Tent is practical
Camping outdoors, the sky curtain is sometimes a very important piece of equipment. It can be said to be an extension of the Tent. The Tent is a hut that we sleep temporarily. The sky curtain is quite our living room.Different purposes such as sunscreen, Shading, and windshields, especially when the weather is hot, then campering, then the sky curtain is essential and more practical.
2. What are the types of sky curtain tents?
1. Let's talk about everyone first. The Outdoor market is more common in squares, rectangular, diamond -shaped single -cloth tents, and then with a Tent pole on both sides. This kind of sky should be the most convenient, and it is also the minimum after storage.
2. Habi Tianmo, the biggest advantage is better than the sky curtain mentioned earlier. For example, the sides of it are bent downwards, like a tunnel, not only can people be blowing in it, but they can also adjust it by adjusting it by adjustingThe tunnel mouth is facing, and then the size of the wind is controlled, and after it is built, it is stronger and stronger than the ordinary sky curtain.
3. Multifunctional sky curtain, it belongs to the combination of tents and sky curtains. Its space is very large, four corners are bent downward, and then there are windshields on one side, and there are mesh on the other three sides. If it is Camping in summer,It can not only sunscreen, but also prevent mosquitoes. Because there are mesh on three sides, it can also blow the cool breeze. If there are not many mosquitoes, the weather is fine, and the net yarn is removed.Essence