1. A few shares of fishing nets

fishing nets, fish for fishing.fishing Tool structure materials.More than 99%are processed by synthetic fibers.Mainly, the single, compound, or compound wire of the nylon 6 or modified nylon can also be used.So if you plan to woven fishing nets, do you know how many shares of fishing nets are weaving?

The raw materials of weaving fishing nets are mainly 15 to 36 210 nylon, polyester filament and 0.8 to 1.2 mm of ethyl.

2. What are the web web weaving methods?

The previous article has briefly introduced a few shares of fishing nets, so prepare for the materials, do you know what are the weaving methods of fishing nets?


It is a traditional method of making fishing nets. The fishing nets of the fishing nets are made from the stadium sets of the meridians and the latitude in the shuttle.

2. Glimming method

The group yarn is twisted by the machine at the same time, and wearing each other at the transfer point to make a net into the net. Since the yarn at the net nodules is not bent, the net clothes are flat, reducing the friction.The complicated, the number of horizontal meters is limited, and it is only suitable for weaving nets.

3. Classics

The Rasher Jingmier with 4 to 8 combed rows is usually used to connect the meridian circle into a net, which is said to have no connection.Due to the high speed of the compilation machine (600 rpm/cents), the width of the network door is wide, and the number of horizontals can reach more than 800 meters. The transformation specifications are convenient and the production efficiency is several times higher than the previous two methods.The scriptures are unproof, wear -resistant, light weight, stable structure, high structure, high nodule strength, no deformation and not loose after the net clothes are damaged. It can be widely used in sea fishing, freshwater fishing and breeding, and various other special uses.Essence

Tags: outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, fishing gear, fishing nets, tools

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