1. The structure of the gliding umbrella consists of several parts

The gliding umbrella is a flying athlete wing umbrella suit. It uses air to take off a air sports that takes off and soar. It also refers to sports equipment used by gliding umbrellas. The gliding umbrella is generally composed of four parts:

1. Wing -shaped umbrella clothes

Also known as the umbrella wing, it is the main component of the gliding umbrella to generate lift and bearing load.The wing umbrella coat is composed of dozens of shaped wing ribs that are distributed regularly in the direction of the upper wing surface, the wing surface, and the wings.The horizontal arrangement of the rib constitutes a certain size of the intake port; because the back edge of the umbrella wing is completely closed, the air chamber that is used between the upper and lower wings and the ribs of each wing is formed.

2. Umbrella rope

The connection of the umbrella wing and the strap system makes the gliding umbrella a whole, and keep the gliding umbrella that should have the wing shape that should be available in the flight. The umbrella rope is also a passing component loaded by the gliding umbrella. Pilots can also pass through the umbrella ropeEffective manipulation of gliding umbrellas.Generally, the umbrella rope is divided into three or four groups from the front to the back, which are called A, B, C, and D, and are distributed symmetrically on both sides of the central axis of the umbrella.The upper end of the umbrella rope is usually a "y" -shaped fork shape. The suture part of the wing surface and wing ribs on the lower wing wing of the umbrella coat is connected to the umbrella wing.If the force condition is determined, the length is determined according to the wing shape and stress condition connected by the manipulation band.

3, strap system

Also known as a seat strap or suspender, it is a license component that fix the pilot's body and connects to the entire umbrella wing system. It is also a protective part of the human body.The tape, the backup umbrella connection band, and the metal ring buckle and the fast -lifting lock, which form a whole around the "L" -shaped Backpack.

4. Manipulation system

The manipulation system of the gliding umbrella is mainly composed of the manipulation Belt, the manipulating rope and the manipulation ring (manipulating rod). The high -performance gliding umbrella also has a set of pedal acceleration devices. When necessary, some umbrella ropes can also be used for manipulation.The entire manipulation system is symmetrically distributed on both sides of the center line of the umbrella, and the upper end of the left and right manipulation bands is "Y".The connection of the circle is connected, and the pull -down rope can be achieved through the sloping rope. At the same time, the pull -down rope can be regulated at the same time.When the manipulating circle is not used, it can be fixed with the deduction on the rear manipulation Belt.The root of the gliding umbrella manipulating band is usually divided into two or three or three roots, the upward split, and then divided into three or four roots from the front to the back (through the unloading loop) according to the order of A, B, C, and D, eachConnecting the umbrella rope.Group A of high -performance gliding umbrellas also installed with two pulleys and a section of acceleration rope in front of the front, so that in addition to the connection with the umbrella rope, it can also implement acceleration, deceleration, and high consumption.Manipulation.The sole effect of the pedal acceleration device is to use the flying speed of the sliding solid umbrella when it is needed during flight.The lower end of the acceleration device is connected to the pedal metal rod (acceleration rod). The two accelerated manipulating ropes on the rod are connected to the acceleration rope through the pulley in front of the strap system.When the metal rods were pierced by two pedals, the vertical bands of Group A and B were pulled down by the steps. At the same time, the anterior edge of the umbrella was pulled down, the angle was reduced, and the horizontal speed increased.

2. What is the principle of gliding umbrella flight

Global umbrellas are divided into two types: dynamic paraglider and no dynamic gliding umbrella. Their principles are the same, but the power umbrella has an additional power device to auxiliary flight. The flying umbrella flight uses the principles of aerodynamics.

The upper and lower lengths of the gliding umbrella are different. When there is a forward speed, the air flows through the upper and lower surfaces of the gliding umbrella, and there will be different pressure differences on the surface of different lengths.When flowing through the upper upper layer, the pressure of the distance between the distance between the distance is small, and the air flowing through the recessed surface of the lower layer contains the slower pressure of the short current speed, so the lift of the lower air pushing the wings upward, the pressure of the upper and lower layers of the upper and lower layers, and the upper and lower layer pressureThe difference is the total lift, which is the basic flight principle.

In addition, the gliding umbrella can also use other external forces to lift off (such as engine power, rising airflow, etc.) to combine the temperature, humidity, and density of the terrain and air.The umbrella climb upwards until these natural conditions disappear.

3. How to fly for a gliding umbrella for a longer time

With the principle of flying umbrella, gliding umbrellas can be stayed in the air. If you want to fly longer, there are two main methods:

1. River rising: Flying near a mountain or a small mountain to capture the wind that comes on the face. When the wind rises across the ridge, the gliding umbrella will get the power climb again. Using this principle can fly longer.

2. Flying in thermal airflow: Thermal airflow is the hot air that heated from the ground and quickly rises to the air. The gliding umbrella flys to the rise when flying to the rise. Utilizing this airflow, you can fly longer and further.

Tags: principle, outdoor shoes and clothing-equipment, outdoor sports, Global umbrella

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