In order to strengthen the protection of marine fishery resources and promote harmonious coexistence of people and nature, the Ministry of agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Announcement on Adjusting the Marine Vile Sleeper fishing System" to further adjust and improve the maritime versatile fishing system.

fishing operation type

All types of operations other than fishing tools, as well as fishing auxiliary vessels for fishing vessels.

Donghai fishing time

The East China Sea area between 35 degrees north and 26 degrees north latitude is from 12:00 on May 1st to 12:00 on September 16.

The East China Sea area from 26 degrees north to 12 degrees north latitude is from 12:00 on May 1 to 12:00 on August 16.

The East China Sea Trip Tripstop, Cage Pot, Stabbing Net and lighting (Apply) fishing Barries can apply for resource of shrimp, crab, middle and upper layers of fish, middle and upper layer of fish,Special fishing permits shall be implemented by the relevant provinces' fishery authorities to report to the Ministry of agriculture and Rural Ministry.

Tags: see the sea-sea view, During the fishing period, fish, fishing nets, fishing gear shops

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