1. Where to buy genuine football shoes

football shoes are not only played with football. For many fans, they also have a certain collection value. However, sneakers have always been the hardest hit area for counterfeit and shoddy products. To buy genuine football shoes, buy through regular channels.

Generally speaking, to buy a pair of authentic football shoes, it is recommended to go to the official physical stores of major shopping malls to buy. In addition to the official physical store, there are also cooperative release channels authorized by the brand Fang, mainly various trendy shoe stores, chain shoe storesYou can also choose.

If you want to buy a new product, offline stores may not be available for the time being. At this time, you need to consider online shopping. Buying football shoes online is easy to buy fake shoes. It is recommended that you use the official flagship stores on the major e -commerce platforms or officially authorized specialty monopoly.Shop purchase; you can also choose to go directly to the brand's official website to buy; in addition, some joint models can also go to the joint official website or app to buy.

Some collective value of football shoes are difficult to buy on the Internet. Generally, it can be sold on the sale through second -hand sneakers, but this is not suitable for novice friends, because it may be difficult to distinguish between true and false.

2. How do you think of football shoes is genuine?

The football shoe market is chaotic. Many fake sneakers can even be fake. If you don't want to buy fake football shoes, you can take a look at the following points:

1. When you get a pair of football shoes, what do you first observe first?Of course it is the appearance.This appearance includes the appearance of the accessories, which is also known as the shoe box, shoe bag, shoe pulling (some shoes are available) and three packages and product description cards.If the shoes you buy are all above, the accessories are complete, and the shoe box is printed exquisitely, then this is the first step.

2. After the accessories are over, let's take a look at the protagonist, the shoes itself.With the upgrading of domestic machines in recent years, the core technologies of knitted materials have gradually been captured by domestic manufacturers. The texture of the knitted fabrics is already close to genuine. This has undoubtedly increased the difficulty for those shoes that were false at a glance, but there are still there are still there are still there are still there are still there are still.Some tips, such as:

(1) Fake football shoes are complicated because of the many shoelaces. Many of the shoelaces of factory shoes are generally not fully worn. This is one of the techniques.

(2) The texture of the knitted material is infinitely close to the genuine product, but the specific ones will still show differences, such as the denseness of the knitting wire and the specific elasticity of the knitting wire.The genuine knitted material must be unconventional, there are no crooked marks, and the overall lines and shoe types of genuine sneakers are very good (medium and low end).

(3) Back heel setting: The rear heels of genuine football shoes are full and upset. It is one of the most beautiful arcs in a pair of shoes. Because of its own cottage, fake shoes are on the shape and mother.The skill is not enough, so generally this part is relatively dead, not vivid enough, and the arc is not natural.

(4) shoes: For high -top shoes, because the tongue is integrated with the collar, the structure of this part is also one of the souls.It is much more loose than shoes with football), but its collar and heel arc are difficult to imitate fake shoes.

(5) color color: Although the genuine sneakers also make some surprising colors from time to time, the color of others will not look weird, fake goods are different.You will find that even if you imitate a shoe with the same shoe, there is no way to completely restore consistency in the color matching.Why?It is very simple. The color of many football shoes in the big brands is its own exclusive color. It is transferred by itself. It is not on the Panpi color card. This is also the exclusive anti -counterfeiting method of the big brand.Therefore, the fake shoes are either kitsch or very tight. There is no kind of amazing and very moisturizing feeling at all.

(6) shoes: If you have enough authentic football shoes (high -end), you will find that high -level football shoelaces are also very particular.Now it is mostly that thin shoelaces, or a slightly thick structure in the middle of the two ends. Generally, fakes are worse for saving costs.

(7) Shoe standard: The identification of the sneakers and shoes are no longer the only hard standard. Compared with the improvement of the upper texture, the fake of the shoe standard is much easier.However, there are a few points that can be given to everyone for attention.The first point of paying attention to the shoe label is the goods number. If you do nt eat, you should first check the goods number of the shoe label on your hand. If the results you find are different, it must be Fake.

(8) Place of origin: The level of the outsole or low -end of the TF is impossible to Persia, Italy, Germany and other places. In addition, the factory corresponding to the place of production is codenamed.It is not necessarily comprehensive but representative: XC Guangdong Qingyuan, VP Vietnam, MX, MD waves, Italy.If the origin and the factory code are not right, there must be a problem.

(9) Insoles: The insoles of the top shoes are normal and relatively good EVA, and it is not a mold production. There is no edge number and digital teeth.It is common sense, if there is definitely a problem with common sense.In order to fit the midsole, some shoes have to varying degrees of raised lines on the back of their insoles.

(10) Shoe warehouse midsole/pull line: This normal situation can also be used as the basis for the true and false judgment. For example, most of the top -level football shoes are half -palm in the middle or no midsole structure.The speed -type sneakers at the bottom are also brightened.

(11) Osoral: top sneakers will play a lot of new ideas on the outsole in recent years.Visual effects, fakes cannot be done (it is labor -intensive, the cost is too high). In addition, the degree of fineness and high level of genuine products on the craftsmanship and molds is much higher. Unlike the things produced by the cottage factory, there are many burrs and injection holes.

Tags: sports shoes, football, sports sports, sneakers, Football shoes

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