[Outdoor Shoes] What are the outdoor shoe soles of outdoor shoes?
What are the soles of Outdoor shoes?
Some people often say that shoes are not slippery. In fact, there are reasons. In European outdoor sports shoes manufacturers, the scope of application of Outdoor shoes is divided into six categories:
a light walking & amp; multi terrain hikers
Easy and pleasant outdoor activities, occasionally wearing, often used in urban walking and bicycle activities.
ab Light Trekking Boots
The design of this type of shoes is aimed at planned walking activities and Hiking about one day.
b the classic walking boot
Durable and comfortable. Such shoes are real outdoor sports professional products, for those who have often participated in outdoor activities for a long time.
BC the ultimate Trekking boot
This type reflects the advanced production of outdoor products, meets additional needs, and challenges more difficult and long trek.
C sub alpine, Offtrail, SidlingBoots
Meet the needs of technical actions such as cross -cutting, climbing, and provide good stability and adapt to any climate.
d High Alpine Boots
High -tech design and production, conquering extreme environments in high altitude areas.
From the perspective of non -slip, the rubber of the sole with strong friction must lose the durability and hardness. Friends who climb the rock must have a lot of experience.Therefore, when you choose this kind of product, you need to investigate according to its use environment. Wearing the shoes of VibramCrackmontagna's sole to go to the Qingshi Road on the southern water village, it is inevitable that it will inevitably be painful, but if you go to the Gobi Beach in Xinjiang or the crushed rock mountains in Qinghai, you can reflect it.Advantages.You can choose according to your own needs, pay attention to the scope of product applications.
Anti -slip, abrasion resistance ... and so on.Each compound is according to the needs of different products (such as: leisure, comfort, exercise) and ensure the best functional performance.
The rubber adopted includes natural rubber and synthetic rubber, because they have different characteristics. Natural rubber is collected from the rubber tree and has very good elasticity.The synthetic rubber mainly comes from oil, which is more wear -resistant and durable.By mixing natural rubber with synthetic rubber according to the needs of different products, so that the soles produced can have the most correct quality and performance.
Outdoor shoe soles structure
The soles include inner bottoms, outsole and midsole.
The inner bottom is directly made of a softer nylon material. The shape design is based on the characteristics of the human foot shape.A piece of Skin.Different models of Outdoor shoes have different internal design and materials, and their comfort is also different.
In addition to the inner bottom, some Outdoor shoes are also added between the inner and outsole, which is also made of nylon synthetic materials, which contains the buffer micro -pore structure with shockproof.To achieve the best shock absorption effect, it is not enough to rely on the application of shock absorption materials, and it is necessary to use clever design.
The outsole, directly contact the ground, is usually made of synthetic rubber materials. Different manufacturers use different synthetic materials, but their purpose is to effectively protect the toes and increase comfort. The heels are relatively low and light., Anti -slip, the bottom surface has a groove to prevent decline.